I was pulling into a parking garage last night. Further up, a 4x4 was pulling out of her spot very quickly. So quickly, it rammed into the car opposite her; I saw both vehicles shake rather violently. She then proceeded to (try to) go straight out the exit. I quickly moved my car blocking her exit. She gave me a "What!?" look. I said, "Hit and run is such a nasty offense." She said "I didn't even hurt the other car! Go look!" I got out of my car and said, "OK, I'm looking, which is what you should have done." Sure enough, there was a small but noticeable dent, which I pointed out. She got out of her 4x4 and wrote a note. While she was doing that, I took a photo of her 4x4 and license plate. When I got back, the car was still there, and there was indeed a note on the windshield, and she did leave her phone number (whether it actually was her phone number I don't know, but hey, I did all I could).
Goog for you I have come back twice in the last two years to find a nice dent in my bumper. No note, no nothing. The perp went on his/her merry way.
It wouldn't have hurt to leave a note of your own "I witnessed the incident and have a picture of the car/license if you need it". but at least you didn't let her just drive off!
I have friends that just cringe because I will also get into someones face about stuff like this ...."they might have a gun!" I just would want someone to do it for me....there is such a lack of conscience these days.
I did that a couple years ago. I saw a kid in an F-250 with landscaping equipment smash into a car in a parking lot, then, he just backed off about 12 inches, and went into the store. I left my name number and e-mail, and gave her the info of the perp. Eventually her insurance company called me as well.
The last time I backed into a parking space (last bit of bad advice picked up at GreenHybrid,) I brushed the side of a co-worker's SUV. I left a note and when she came by, I wrote a check for $250 and said, "Let me know how much more to cover the repair." Now it didn't look to bend metal but it is more important to do the right thing and don't worry about it. She never came back with any more repair bills. Bob Wilson