Just wondering has anyone installed the interior footwell lighting? It's $199 from sigma automotive but wondering if anyone has managed to do it cheaper?
That's interesting, but what is the point? Do people have a lot of trouble finding things that are dropped at night? Can't it wait till morning? Are your feet that attractive?
I've installed the Gen 2 one in my Gen 2. It was $98 but it only came with front ones. It was super easy to install since it's a Toyota accessory. There are plenty of cheaper routes. Just buy a set of LEDs (like an LED strip) and wire it up yourself!
The difference is that the NA-spec is front only while the Japanese accessory includes the rear footwell.
Can anyone tell me where the LEDs are located since I've never seen one. Are the LEDs in the front footwell point towards the back from like above the brake pedal area? How about the rear ones, are the LEDs located below the front seat?
Are you referring to the OE footwell LEDs? If so, the driver's one above the brake pedal, which is also where the passenger side light is located (if there were a brake pedal on that side). The OE (at least for the US market) doesn't include rear LED footwell lights.
I think it looks sharp. Plus as someone who drives a lot at night, I think it has tangible benefit. You would be suprised how often something gets dropped and it means a hunt for the penlight flashlight...I'm assuming you can turn it off when you don't want it? I don't know if it would be a make or break accessory but lighted footwells with the lighted doorsill would be pretty cool IMO.
Nope. They're on when the headlights are on. There are two illumination stages. The bright one is activated when the car is in P. When it's out of P, it dims down but unless you're on a road with no streetlamps, it's barely noticeable... I guess unless you had to look for something then it might come in handy. I've got both the footwell lighting and the illuminated door sills. It's part of the Tech Pack (also available in the Touring Pack) in Canada.
Tideland, Your so lucky you get the Auto Headlights, and Illuminated Door Sills with the upgraded package... Wish we could get them standard here in the U.S. You would think with our borders so close we would have the same features ..available... Heck I am 30 Minutes from Fort Erie..
It is the OEM version and is available through Toyota Japan (15700 Yen ~= US$170). It's not available through Toyota USA. toyota.jp Æ’IÆ’Å Æ’WÆ’iƒ‹ƒAÆ’NÆ’ZÆ’TÆ’Å Â[
It'll probably come with one but it'll be in Japanese. The one for the 2G Prius was very easy to install. Very very easy. Yeah but you get LED headlights, 17" alloys and foglights on your top package. Our Tech Pack looks like our base model (we have the solar roof and no LEDs or fogs or 17s).
I just got the kit and I'm kinda getting tired of interpreting the pictures as I don't read Japanese. Has anyone installed these since the OP asked?