Rather than revive the other electric Porsche thread, which had gone way off track, I'm starting a new one for this update: The last news was that a local guy I trust was going to install a new motor fan (the old one had been destroyed, probably the first time the original builder ran the motor) and a new controller (the builder had used a 500-amp controller instead of the promised 1,000-amp motor due to issues with the intended brand). I had to wait for the new controller to arrive, and then for the local guy to have shop space available. The car is now in his shop and he has checked it out carefully, with the help and consultation of all the local EV guys. The conclusion: ( ) 1. The battery boxes are too flimsy and were already starting to distort, allowing the batteries to slip with respect to each other. 2. The batteries had been connected with bars, rather than cables, so the above-mentioned slippage is putting serious stress on the batteries. 3. Battery terminals are too close to grounded frame parts, presenting a serious threat of arcing, which could destroy the entire car. 4. Everything is packed in in such a way that it's impossible to work on anything without removing everything. However, he is optimistic that he can fix it. BUT He will have to dis-assemble everything, re-design the whole project, and then put it all back together. He estimates it will take a year (he has a real job, other EV projects, and a family) and cost a LOT of money. He thinks it will be a great car when it's done. I deeply regret ever having bought the car, but I have given him the okay to go ahead with the project. I should have bought the Tesla Roadster instead, but there was a long waiting period at the time, and the Porsche was supposed to have been done long before I could have gotten my hands on a Roadster. -- Or I should have just been satisfied with my Zap Xebra. I'd happily sell the Porsche now, as-is, for 75% of what I have put into it, but there's no way anybody would pay more than half, if even that. Anybody out there want an unfinished electric Porsche project? I guess not.
That's too bad. I just looked at the beginning of your other thread, and it's a nice looking car, definitely a head-turner (well, the Xebra is a head-turner too, but in a different way to be sure).
Whatever became of the original Porsche engine? Would it be cheaper to put it back in, sell the car as a 'stinker', as you call them, and get a real electric car?
Present! I didn't see the bat signal! Yeah, this sucks. I'd buy it if I had lots of money... and a current source of income... and really wanted another tragedy in my life. But alas... I'm stuck with my 8-year-old Rav4EV. Poor me! Odd that the Roadster really would have been the better deal, and would have been on the road and making you happy long before this one will.
The gas engine is still in Florida, trying to be sold. There are people locally who would like to restore the car to what it was, but I would lose the money I spent on EV components including batteries and labor, and they would not even pay me what I originally paid for the car, since it would take them a lot of work and some parts to restore it. I'd donate it to the EV club before I'd sell it at a 90% loss to people who'd make a stinker of it again. I once read that if you wanted to find out what it's like to own a sailboat, you are advised to stand in the shower with all your clothes on, tun the water on full cold, and tear up hundred dollar bills. At least the Porsche has not gotten me wet. (Belize is another matter. In Belize it's fun to get wet.) Someone should write an iPhone app called "Daniel's Porsche" in which you pay people to destroy a mint-condition Porsche.
Daniel, it's really a shame you've had such a terrible experience. I, too, wish you'd have gotten the Roadster, I think you'd be a lot happier and really enjoying a phenomenal vehicle. But you're in a heck of a bind at this point. Any big tax credits that would make a roadster a decent choice?
daniel, thank you for the Porsche update. Your experience demonstrates that the mod is only as good as the guy building it and showed me that I need to wait for a real car company to build one for me. I'm sorry it turned out so poorly. The car does look great. Could you partner with the EV Club somehow to rebuild it?
I'm sure there's no way I could get a tax credit for buying a Roadster (other than the minimal one for buying any new EV). I rejected the Roadster because it's uncomfortable to sit in, noisy, and has almost no cargo space. The president of the EV club is rebuilding it. He thinks it will take him a little less than a year to do it, though he also describes himself as a "chrono-optimist." It will be a very expensive job.
Well Blah. I'm not even going to try to find a bright side... It just plain sucks to be expecting one thing and have them turn in different directions like that. Who knows what the true end result-bottom line will be at this point. Thanks for sharing the journey with us... it's something I would not be privvy to otherwise.
I have it figured out for you. Strip all of the EV stuff out of the Porsche. Sell the body to someone who wants to make it a stinker, and then use the money from that to buy a kit car Porsche 356 And make the kit car an EV, and have probably the sexiest EV ever.
With the money I'd get for the glider at this point I could probably buy a fifteen-year-old Geo Metro. Building an EV on a kit car Porsche look-alike would be no easier than what I am doing: having the Porsche re-built. In fact, I once considered using a kit car instead of a real Porsche. I rejected the idea because of Porsche quality; a kit car is of unknown quality, and no way as well built as any of the better car makers. Remember, a kit Porsche is not a Porsche. It just looks like one on the outside. In a year, when this car is done, it will be a fine and beautiful car. It just is going to be a couple of years later than promised, and significantly more expensive.
Reviving the thread ... there IS a CA company that DOES do very nice/reliable conversions. Ironically , this one: ... was at an event that we went to just after Tesla went into production. That's my hors d'oeurve eat'n better half ... blinking in perfect harmony to the camera shutter This EV porsche has been pretty much trouble free, since being built. That's all just to say I wouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water. In fact there's a local conversion shop a few miles down the road from us that preferes to put their EV setup in the PT cruiser. I'd rather go with AC propulsion's ebox, if I were to get a conversion. Heck, they're down right cheep at the salvage yard. .
well daniel, i am truly sorry to hear about your EV experience. my Zenn problem pales in comparison (mine was fixed by a downgrade to a $650 set of batteries and a $300 charge balance system) but then again, i still dont have highway capability either to make things worse; no way that you would have known then what is currently being advertised now back then, but the just announced price on the Leaf ($32,500 before any rebates) makes just about any other EV option a 2nd choice