Hello all: I am about to buy a 2009 Prius. I test drove it today and liked it. However the seller has only one key. I am trying to get him to buy me another key. But I was doing some research on this forum and other places and I am confused as to what exactly SKS refers to. 1. The key that he had was only the fob that I had to insert in the fob slot on Prius' dash board. I thought it did not have any mechanical key but from doing some research I have found that the mechanical key is hidden inside the fob. Anyway the car started with the fob. Is that SKS? 2. I also read that there is a feature that it unlocks automatically and turns on dome light etc if you get close to it. Is that SKS? Is that optional and may not be in the one that I am looking at? 3. Also if I end up in buying the key myself would I have to get it programmed from the dealer. I have found some programming instructions but then apparently they came from some German manual and some people have been able to program them successfully and some haven't been. Besides I was not sure if the instructions will work for 2009 model. 4. Also I have been reading about silver logo fob and black logo fob. Apparently Silver is master and black is sub-key (right?). Does this apply to 2009 model as well. What's it the difference? Sorry for too many questions, but I am really confused. Will appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.
The key fob which has the silver log on the back is an SKS key fob, key fobs with the black logo are Non-SKS. The car would have come with two fobs, both either sks or non-sks. The sks was an option on the Gen II. It allows you to grab the door handle on either front door or the rear hatch and have the car notice your the vehicle owner by the key fob being on your person. It acts like a transponder emmiting a signal the car can detect. It also will allow you to start the car without putting the fob into the slot in the dash. The lights inside the car coming on as you approach is also a feature of sks. A second fob can be quite expensive to purchase. Hope this helps...
Thanks for the info. Any information about self-programmability of a 2009 key from a master key. Would the instructions on the sticky "List of known hacks / 'easter eggs'" work for programming a new master key (I would have posted the direct link to the sticky but it keeps on complaining that I could not post an external link until I have 5 posts, and that's not even an external link?????) or I have to take it to a dealer?
If your car has the black buttons on the driver's and passenger's external door handles and on the hatch handle, then you have the Smart Key system (SKS). SKS was on every model except the very cheapest one in 2008/2009. If you have SKS, and the seller is not giving you a silver logo fob, that allows you to start the car with the fob in your pocket, be prepared to spend several hundred dollars to get a new fob (or fobs) and have it programmed at the Toyota dealer. This is the only way to get a functioning SKS fob. It costs more if you don't have one functioning fob since the dealer has to get special information from Toyota to program the first SKS fob if you don't have one that is working. If you do have a functional SKS fob then the dealer can sell you a new one and program it to work easily. Since the SKS is one of the most convenient and desired features on the Gen 2 Prius, you may have trouble on resale if you don't have a functioning SKS fob. Check the price at the dealer before buying the car. You'll thank yourself later for having done so.
Yes ... you can spend hundreds ... or buy a couple used ones on ebay. I'm up to 4 fobs now ... each under $40 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2006-2009-TOYOTA-PRIUS-REMOTE-SILVER-LOGO-MINT_W0QQitemZ300385118433QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories?hash=item45f05928e1 Toyota Prius Smart Key Remote Keyless Entry FOB:eBay Motors (item 220537264180 end time Feb-06-10 15:18:58 PST) but then again, I brown bag my lunch ... too welcome to PC shah! :welcome: .
I have purchased those too. They can be programmed to start the car in the slot, but not as a fully functional smart key. I believe you need to have a brand new fob and get it programmed by the dealer for it to be fully functional as a smart key. Isn't that correct? Just trying to make sure the OP doesn't think he can buy one from eBay and program it himself into a functioning smart key.
Ok. Thank you guys. I think now I understand what it is exactly. I am almost 100% sure that I saw the black button on the handle so that Prius does have the SKS. But the dealer (not a Toyota dealer) does not have the SKS key though. He even told me that it does not have the SKS feature, I think he himself does not know. I will call a Toyota dealer to find out how much it would cost. Now my understanding is that I should be able to buy a silver fob and have it programmed from the dealer. I am sure that way at least I will save some in the cost of the key fob itself.
You need to buy a NEW fob (an old one will only work as a dumb fob, not a Smart Key), and the dealer will program the car to accept the new fob, not the other way around. The fobs are not programmable. Tom
Aah! That's interesting. So then here is one more question. Would I be able to program the car to accept the new fob (even as dumb) using the existing fob using the instructions provided in the sticky "List of known hacks / 'easter eggs'" somewhere on this site (won't let me post the link since I don't have 5 posts yet).
FYI read this thread especially post #10: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...868-smart-key-repair-replacement-options.html You can also do a search on "Smartkey replacement or keyfob programming" to find more on this subject. Having read tons of threads on the keyfob issue I believe the only way to obtain a functional SKS fob is to purchase a brand new one. There have been many who have tried but not succeeded in reprogramming a previously programmed SKS silver logo fob. You can program most any fob to work in the ignition slot, but to my knowledge no one has been able to program a previously programmed fob to work as a fully functional SKS fob. The dealer will not be able to do this either. The SKS functions can only be programmed to a new silver logo fob. The fully functional fob will have functional buttons and will unlock the front two doors and the hatch with the fob in your pocket without pressing a button on the fob. Also the car can be started without removing the fob from your pocket to place it in the slot. Also even after you purchase a new fob, you must have it programmed by someone having access to the proper Toyota programming tool or its equivalent. I see qbee42 beat me to this! Must type faster!! He's right the car is really programmed to the fob. Its usually easier to talk about programming the fob.
From my answer above, either the silver logo or the black logo fob can be programmed to be used as a "dumb" fob to start the car. You can get mechanical key made from a standard Toyota blank from your present mechanical key. I have two SKS fobs that came with the car and a dumb fob purchased from eBay with a mechanical key duplicated from my original mechanical key as my spare key that I take when traveling.
Thanks for all the information guys. I really appreciate it. One more question. This one is kinda out of topic. The dealer also talked about the some sort of phone feature. I asked him if he meant bluetooth. And he said no. He said that it needs service from Toyota, but he did not seem to be too sure. I also saw two buttons with phone symbol on them. I am not able to get any information on that. Please let me know if you know anything about it. May be I should start a new thread.
The bluetooth hands free phone feature is the only one I've ever heard about. I just checked my 2008 brochure and didn't see anything else listed there either. By the way, 2008 and 2009 were identical cars as 2009 was only built for about 6 months since they brought out the 2010 in mid 2009 for USA. All the options and features and even the paint colors offered were the same.
The buttons are for Bluetooth, which is standard with the Nav package. It works well. Your dealer is pretty clueless. Tom
shah, here's Toyota's link for pretty much all you need to get started with syncing your phone to the Prius' bluetooth feature: Toyota.com : Bluetooth .