Can someone please provide instructions for installing an update of the navigation system DVD in a 2006 Prius? I understand there is something under the driver's seat. Thank you.
Is anyone out there? I need to know this too. Is the car on or off when you eject the old DVD? Does it automatically update?
Power the car on and put the screen on the NAV screen. Move the driver's seat all the way forward. From the back seat, you'll see the navigation box under the driver's seat. There's a door held by two latches at the top. Unlatch and remove the door. There's a slide on the left side of the DVD slot -- push it in a bit and slide it to the left. The DVD will come out in a few seconds. Remove it, and replace push the new DVD in. Move the slide back. You should see a message about it updating for a couple minutes on the screen, then the normal display will return. Put the door back on and put the driver's seat back.
Remember!!! DO NOT SWITCH BACK TO THE OLD DISC!!!! The update disc generally updates the programming as well and is not reversable!! Some versions can be switched back and forth, but most cannot!!
Thanks for the instructions; I could not find them in my manual. Now I won’t have to rely on my Iphone for directions to newer locations BTW I bought the new disk at the my dealership for $150.00 (reg, $200, but I had a 25% off coupon). They tried to claim the coupon wasn't good for the disk, but I persisted and they finally gave in.
That is the best advice anyone can have when dealing with a dealership... Polite persistance... Remain calm and polite, but stay firm on what you want. Keep moving up the chain of command and odds are you will be successful. Just remember the two words.... Polite persistance.
Thanks so much for the instructions. Finally updated my 2005. Didn't think of it until it was too late to jot down some addresses, because updating wipes the search for 'Previous'. The other saved info seems to be there, tho.
I have an updated dvd in my 2005 Prius and my wife has the original one in her 2005 Prius. I want to put my dvd in her car. I think you're saying I can't do it. Am I right?
Once you install the disk, it has to STAY in the DVD unit! You would have to buy another update NAV DVD for her car!