How fast have you driven your Prius Gen III? :bolt:I driven the fastest 87mph. Now im worry about damaging my car
Don't worry about it, the HSD looks after everything. The Gen II will go well over 100mph and stay above 100 for as long as you like, until the gas runs out. I expect the Gen III will be as quick if not quicker.
I usually don't care about standard cars but some how I think Prius is like an baby (maybe because of the way it cute lol)
Yes, your car is doomed, you voided your warranty and your traction battery will explode within several days from now... Are you serious? Why do you think you made any damage? 87 MPH is not a problem for a Prius. Gen II can go well over 100MPH without any issues. I don't know about gen III, but it will be over 100MPH as well. The car would not allow you to drive any faster than what is safe for it, it has speed limiter. Don't worry.
The problem here in VA is that anything 20 mph over the speed limit (or over 80 mph anywhere) is a reckless citation with hefty fines. I've heard of judges giving jail time for over 90 mph, even for 1st offenses, (1 day for each mph over 90). Heck, in his state, failure to use your turn signal (for a turn OR even just changing lanes) can get you a reckless. The enforcement levels (number of cops, unmarked cars, etc) are not as severe here as in MD (except in certain known areas). If you speed in MD, they'll get you.
The primary issue with speed is the tires. If the tires are fresh I agree with you but if the tires are old could be dangerous at speeds over 90. The tires are rated to 110 mph or so but in the summer heat and with age they could overheat and disintegrate. Brief times over 100mph are not an issue but extended driving could be.
That is where I would worry. The stock tires don't have much grip, add the suspension and I wouldn't want to take even mild turns over 100. I wouldn't worry about disintegration but I would not trust them. Of course if you replace that factory rubber going faster should not be a problem other than for your reaction time and the police.
How about checking into what the local SCCA offers? Does the local road race track have Friday track days? Autocross and track events are a blast. That's why I don't understand 87 mph or 90+ mph on the street.
Now I'm kinda glad I don't live at VA. Good thing Sunny CA they only give you a high price ticket for speeding, unless you gone 100MPH+ then they might impound your vehicle.
I also have done over 100 just to see how the car and I would handle it. I was surprised as to how little wind noise there was and the car and I seemed to handle it well. The fastest that I have ever gone in a car previously is 145 in a 1990 Ford Mustang GT that I no longer own.
Don't do it. You can die. Some innocent party can die. Who will take care of your or their spouse and kids?