Two or so years ago in Iraq, a US Marine threw a puppy over the cliff while the other videotaped it. (The video here - if you want to see it....YouTube deleted it) What is appaling is not that it was graphic, but they enjoyed doing it. They said they could not bring a sick puppy back to camp, but it seems they really enjoyed this execution. Aside from the priciple, it sullies the image of the US in the Middle East even more. The Marine that tossed the puppy was discharged.
Rent "In the Valley of Elah", with Tommy Lee Jones, Charlize Theron and Jason Patric, which looks at precisely this facet of war's affect on the human psyche.
Having worked as a temp in NavCare clinics in the past, the lack of support and education for the enlisted men and women and their families by the military is appalling. But if you are an officer or civilian working with the military you drip gold. I have a friend that is a going for commander, works 4-5 hours a day. My SIL got a $2200 euro/month villa in Naples to work for the Navy. It was just he and my daughter and the dog, 6 BR, 3 1/2 baths. This is a great example of government waste and stupidity. The GIs in the video may have done the deed but it goes much deeper than them.
If they discharged the soldier for doing that, then I should tell me nephew about it. He is trying to get out of the service.
It doesn't help that the requirements for joining the military were lowered so much so that a draft wouldn't have to be used to get enough troops for Iraq and Afghanistan. They even let felons in now so the mentality of the people joining has changed quite a bit already, then add the horrors of war to that. Yikes!
Why are Americans hated around the world? US Soldiers Shoot A Shepherd´s Flock In Iraq I have no idea. I don't hate Americans so please don't flame me over this. Some of my best friends are Americans and I know that in the main Americans are good people. How many times do things like this happen when a camera isn't recording it? When they get home they will still be the same people they are in the video, and they will be expecting you to thank them for doing these things. Unfortunately this affects the way people feel about all soldiers because you don't often see videos of the really good things most soldier do when deployed on peace keeping and humanitarian missions. Perhaps part of the training of a soldier should involve being engaged in humanitarian work to learn some compassion before going to a war zone.
Aren't you allowed to be gay and be in the armed forces? If not, why not? Is it OK to be a stamp collector?
oh ya, like its americans are the bad asses of the world...WRONG!! its Mankind that has ruined the World and his place of birth did not have a single thing to do with it