Should I expect the lower rear (tinted) window defroster to work as effectively as the upper one? It does not seem to do much.
Mine does however it is always so dirty it doesn't really matter. lol. Does yours work at all? If not, check the connectors, they maybe loose or disconnected.
maybe the tint lowers the effectivity of defrosting. I had to check if there are wires nad they are. There is a minimum visibility so never mind, frost or mud.
Mine works fine, and never noticed an issue with tinted back windows and defrosters in the past. It is a bit of a shame that the lower window doesn't get cleaned off when it rains. It's quite amazing how well it attracts dirt but requires manual intervention to clean it off. Not that it's much of an issue, because all I ever see through that window are the headlights of the idiots that think you have to drive 6" behind the car in front of you.
I've noticed the same thing with my rear defrost. Lower defrost seems to be doing something but not nearly as well as the upper.
The Rear Defrost works just fine, the issue is more with the Aerodynamics of the vehicle and the spray and YUCK accumulate in that lower section. I can have fresh covered snow on the car in a parking lot at work, turn on the defroster and poof...the hatch window and lower portion defrost just fine... But when I get on the road, it's all for not..The road spray seems to accumulate at the lower window portion and bumper. I can still see the lines where the heating elements are keeping it defrosted but it now contains DIRT and SALT and road gunk! I wish it had a Water Repellant window like the side Driver and Passenger. I am going to go and get some Rain X and apply to the lower portion of that window to see if I can reduce the amount of ugly!
I noticed people complaining about there mirrors a lot. One question I notice, it works well, IMO, have you sat in traffic and turned it off to notice the difference?? I did that the other day and was surprised. I almost thought mine was not working but once I turned it off, I noticed a big difference in view from that mirror??? I also have to say that middle section between the top hatch and lower window has come in handy to block those BRIGHT lights in my mirror many times. That I am beginning to enjoy with each blinding headlight/brights from behind. Have you also noticed that?