If you need a new BT phone for your BT Prius check this deal out. The Razr is supposed to be a great phone and work well. Just posting this for public interest. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/store...5074648-6450565
efusco: Thanks for that post. Doesn't Amazon have some sort of rebate that serves as a credit with them?
It's supposed to be a great phone until you drop it and it falls apart. Motorola are the Ford of mobile phones, unfortunately.
Hmmm, I don't know about the Razr, but my motorola phones have been very durable and reliable. BTW, found another free Razr offer--this one is at Buy.com and includes a free BT ear piece. http://www.buy.com/retail/wireless/product...051&dcaid=17051
I may have to fight Amazon for my $150 rebate. They seem to have denied other rebates when the customer had their phone number ported, claiming the account they created was closed due to the port. I have my bill, showing both numbers on one account for a short while, so I'm ready to fight, but if you can wait two months for the rebate to clear before porting, or don't need to port at all, the free-after-rebate deal will probably work...
I've had two different Motorola phones, and both fell apart in normal use. Whereas my Nokia and Sony Ericsson phones have been totally robust. Check Amazon's reviews for the silver RAZR, plenty of people there with bad experiences. It looks like a "style over substance" phone. If I had to get a Motorola, I'd get a V551, which seems from the reviews to be pretty resilient. But as it is, I think I'm gonna hold out for a Sony Ericsson Z520a quad band. (Unfortunately, Nokia are taking forever to come out with quad band phones.)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(metamatic\";p=\"106336)</div> Both my SE T610 and my SE K700i had major problems with the joystick not working properly after 6-12 months of normal usage. My friend's SE T68i had the same problem.
motorolas are top quality phones but have heard a lot of diasppointed people not really impressed with the features
I bought the Razr a month ago and so far have been very happy with the performance. As an extra bonus to me, the battery lasts much longer (with Bluetooth powered On) than my previous Motorola V600. On the V600, I had to recharge daily while the Razr so far lasts 5-6 days.
5 or 6 days with BT on?? that is very unusual. even if it goes that long, i wouldnt recommend doing it
Why not? I leave mine on all the time that the phone is on. I typically, but not always, turn the phone off at night, but otherwise go 3-4 days b/w charges. I almost never turn off the BT functionality unless I'll be away from my Prius for a few days when traveling.
Please excuse my lack of knowledge on the B/T phone subject. My location here in Sedona has iffy service and asking around I found the reliable carrier is Verizon. Any knowledge on prius compatible B/T phones (and great DEALS, thanks efusco, I like your posts) that you could pass along? I don't like the things and would rarely use, but with kids going to school again.....I know, I know, don't say it. Nice discussion all, learning something here. Thanks, Craig Sedona, AZ 3,200 smiles so far....
i meant i wouldnt recommend going that long without recharging. if turning it off at night, it might be ok. i never turn my cellphone off as i dont have a home phone.
Gee, I just leave the phone plugged in to the 12v adapter and treat it like the old 'built-ins'. My Motorola v120c is working without fail after 24 months of daily use; I just upgraded to the Motorola e815,which now resides in the console, plugged in to the interior 12v adapter of the Prius... The v120c is now serving battered women's outreach, etc. I am on Verizon and always get at least 3 'bars', even in the hinterlands of Ramona farmland....