Alright, it's sort of a lame thing to do but I understand that people are excited to see other Prius drivers. I was driving about 50 in a 45 today in the right lane and getting passed repeatedly by wackos going 70+. Fine, whatever, they can pass. I see in my peripheral vision someone pulling up and driving alongside me. I glance over quickly and see their hand up. Well, I gave the jerk the finger right back and kept on going about my business. I then looked again as they began passing and realized it was another black 2010 waving at me and giving the thumbs up. "I feel like a horse's patoot.":der:
You Son of a B*&*%ch. That was me in the other Black Prius. Just kidding You should always smile and wave back, regardless if it was a hand or a finger on the other driver. It will just make the road and atmosphere safer for everybody.
Haha! I was actually entertaining the possibility that it was another PCer. I usually make a stupid face at people who give me the finger as I'm giving it back. If I can get a laugh out of a road rager then that really makes my day pretty good. That, or I get a tire iron to the back of my head.
Many, many years ago I had a Porsche 914. It was very common to wave at other Porsche drivers. In fact, it was considered somewhat rude not to wave at your fellow Porsche driver. This summer I took a cross country motorcycle trip. It is still very common for motorcycle riders to give each other a friendly wave. These days it seems that we are all just a bunch of critters, swimming in the sea of humanity.... Keith
If I had to wave at every Prius like we used to back in arm would get really tired...and people would think I was nuts! Instead my 6 year counts Prii every time we go somewhere. The record was 65 and that was just around the south suburbs.
Way back in the day, so to speak, VW drivers had a lot of camaraderie that I really enjoyed. I was part of that for a long time.
We have quite a few Prius around here but none so far have shown any interest in waving back I was thinking there would be some kind of connection but evidently not here.
I thought about giving another 2010 Prius driver thumbs up but that is what I was afraid off So before I give a thumbs up, I'll check who is driving that Prius first.
The same goes for around here as well. I still will wave at fellow GenIII drivers, they are usually not paying any attention! Previous Gen. Prius will get a smile from me, and I'm always aware of them on the road now that I own one.
Would have thought the driver of a 911 would ignore a wave from a 914* driver. If it isn't rear engine it isn't really a Porsche, is it. *(Include all the front engined Porsches in this group. **Edit, yes I know the 914 is mid-rear engine but it isn't rear engined like a Porsche should be, is it.** (Not my attitude, but I have spoken to a few 911 owners and, well ...)
The 914 driver wasn't waving. He/she was trying to deflect the water leaking through the 914 roof. :madgrin:
Well look at the bright side. When drivers of other vehicles witness Prius Drivers flipping off other Prius Drivers, it helps dismantle the whole "Prius Drivers are Smug" mythology. They're not going to expect you to be flipping of your own earth saving bretheren. Infact I'd like to suggest waving the middle finger become the accepted signal between Prius Drivers hence forth. You guys could call it "Waving The Green Finger of Harmony". Or "Flipping the Hybrid Hi-Bird".
Hi Pat. Wow, that point really brings back a lot of memories. The Porsche 914 - 4 was assembled by Volkswagen and had a VW Type 4 engine. In Europe they were appropriately badged as VW-Porsche. The 914 - 6 was assembled by Porsche in a the Porsche Stuttgart factory and had the 1969 version of the 911T engine. At the time there was a raging debate here in the U.S. about the legitimacy of the Porsche 914. And yes, most 911 drivers just ignored the Porsche 914. Thanks for the memories... Keith :focus:
My old trainer gave the best advice when I was working customer service in a call center , "Kill 'em with kindness."
I love to check out other Prius drivers but I think most are having so much fun driving their own cars that waving at others is just too distracting.
I wave... I also wave at Corvettes... Some of them laugh like crazy when I'm in the Prius giving the Corvette V wave... I have yet to have another Prius driver return the wave though... I think I will need to put a full body decal on my DD to induce them to give into the wave. Right now the frau is totally against me putting a full body decal on the car... but, I think I will later, when I can butter her up to it...