Yes, I WAS GIVEN a 1-point infraction. I don't see how posting a link to a website is going to get this site "shut down" as someone else suggested. I've seen hundreds of posts with links to websites. Infraction The Ruins of Detroit Reason: Inappropriate Language 01-06-2010 12:26 PM 1 point / Expires 01-16-2010 12:26 PM
You missed the point. The comment about getting the site shut down was made to another poster in reference to copying work in its entirety. Sometimes people copy the entire contents of a copyrighted work into a post. This type of action is blatant copyright infringement. A small quotation with a link is considered fair use, and is the proper way to reference other work. Tom
Well, there are 3400 other message boards that are guilty of the same thing. To think someone is policing that close is ridiculous.
it is strongly frowned upon to start a new thread with only a link, nothing more. the mod probably used the wrong "reason" selection. it only would have taken a second or 2 to introduce your link with "i found this collection of interesting pictures i wanted to share here:"
The title in the link was explanation enough. It would only take someone .32 seconds to decide if they wanted to click or not.
That's a stupid justification for illegal behavior. Lots of people illegally copy music and movies...still doesn't make it right. But....But....all the other kids are doing it!
"AHHHH Yeah, talk about apples to oranges." Ever heard of an analogy? The mods are just doing their job. You think they want to constantly edit posts to protect PC from infringement lawsuits? "So stop asking for a link and an explanation then" Your comment has nothing to do with infringment concern. That has to do with the blind link posting, which I am NOT commenting on. I actually think the OP link and title were probably sufficient. I am commenting on the illegal infringment concern: "I don't see how posting a link to a website is going to get this site "shut down" as someone else suggested. I've seen hundreds of posts with links to websites." and "Well, there are 3400 other message boards that are guilty of the same thing. To think someone is policing that close is ridiculous. "
A link and an explanation is legal, even a small quotation. It falls under fair use, just as a quotation in a book review is considered fair use. These are exactly the same in the eyes of the law. They may be apples and oranges, but all the law cares about is fruit. Tom
I heartily agree. However, it's not my board. If the admins suddenly want me to wear a funny hat and talk in a high, squeeky voice, if I want to stay around here I'll wear a funny hat and talk in a high, squeeky voice.
I realize that as a licensed nurse with 30 years of experience I might be smarter than a few folks but there have been some pretty lame titles in PC that did not get flack like this. Maybe someone was disappointed that is was not about the Prius causing the downfall of the big three, just artsy stuff. I am glad you posted this and now is one of my favorite sites. I'd love to post the article about the wine labels but I might get into trouble
well thank you for the link, and we need to keep the "punishment" in mind with the "crime". in reality, its simply a reminder of posting guidelines. i have done nearly the same thing but added a quick one-liner. no big deal. the one thing about Detroit that will always stick out is was the grand nature of the hotel (it was by far the best one i have ever stayed at!) all of it sitting less than 2 blocks from a residential area in which 3 of 4 houses were boarded up.
The argument about spambots is specious, as any spambot could easily post something like "I found this great photo set of decrepit buildings in Detroit, just click here! " and still bone everyone who runs their browser in risky-mode. . The slight oversharpening in most of the shots really accentuates all the cruft laying all over, doesn't it.... kinda puts my ongoing "dead barns" collection to shame. I'd be way more afraid of the *people* I'd be likely to find in such places rather than the structural soundness of the places themselves, though. . _H*
Not unbelievable to me. Some of the mods here are like homeowner's association monitors. Wayyyy too meddlesome.
Same here. I grew up in a suburb of Detroit in the 60's and for a short while lived in the infamous Cass Corridor in Detroit. Even back then, Detroit was a very dark and scary place to live. It's a shame to see what's happened to some of the beautiful homes on Woodward Avenue.
what a shame that Detroit has fallen in such disrepair. somebody should do the ruins of camden nj btw - freds house of pancakes has nothing to do with a house nor pancakes. how many points is that?
What really got me is some of the boarded up houses were in better condition that some that looked occupied!! I saw one house that had a huge crack in the wall and a car which had been driven that day parked in the driveway. The same car was there a day later.