I am touched and moved beyond measure by all these responses! I knew there were a few folks who appreciated my posts, but this has been overwhelming. You have convinced me that I was wrong when I said I didn't belong here. Though my interest in the Prius has waned, and I only drive it when the EV won't do, and I really have nothing to say on the Prius-related forums, and little or nothing positive to say on the other car forums (except for EVs) I guess I do have a place here. It won't be as much as previously. The time I used to spend here has been allocated elsewhere. For one thing, I need to get to the gym for some lifting, as I have just about zero upper-body strength (last time I tried, I could clean and jerk the bar -- with no weights on it!). And I'm reading more, which helps exercise the brain. Pat: I'm going to reply to your PM later. BTW I just got back a little over week ago from two weeks on an island off Belize (no modern conveniences, just sea kayaking, snorkeling, and scuba diving in paradise -- plus wind surfing and kayak surfing for folks more coordinated than I am). I didn't take pictures, but I'll ask someone who did for permission to post a link. And in a couple of weeks I'm going to the Bahamas for a week on a live-aboard dive boat followed by a week at a dive resort. I'll post an update on the electric Porsche next week in the relevant thread.
Hell, the fact you have been traveling to places that are much warmer than home certainly means you have not lost your sanity..... GOOD FOR YOU!!! Shane, Shane, come back Shane...... I am in L.A., and the places your trippin to sound better than even here..... I wanna go too..... Take care of yerself!!!!
well daniel, i am touched because you are touched. as far as my involvement here, if it were just to get to know my Pri better or learn new info, i would be here about 20 minutes a day... well, i am either very slow, or have other needs that this place fills. part of it is to pass on what i know, the other is because its just a place to go and learn (or at least be exposed) to the psyche of others. the latter can be very entertaining as far as pics go, definitely. that is one of the most enjoyfulous (this word only works here) part of what i do here is checking out pics. after all, why does Facebook and other sites enjoy the popularity they have? and (in a whisper tone) i am waaay more into EV's... hybrids are nice and all, but they are yesterdays news
Daniel glad to see that you are back. I recommend swimming laps as an upper body workout.You obviously like water.
It's always sad to hear from the PriusChat "founding members" whose interest has waned, but Dave was right when he said that this site was created to be a community. That was exactly my goal, and you helped PC reach its goal. Thank you for that. I look forward to you continuing to check in from time to time with updates in your life. Many of us have been friends for almost 6 years now and in some way or another are invested in each others' lives... and I like to live vicariously through your travels
Thanks a ton Daniel. I was hoping you'd come around. Your right on many things and it's great that you explained all of your reasoning to us. This is great that you aren't going to take off on us. If you get busy so be it, (hopefully chasing those chicks, eh?) lol And you can just keep stopping by to chime in occasionally with your 2 cents.. or heck come on and complain to us some more. ROFL I don't think you'll get any complaints out of me.