Dear all, as promised, I have some preliminary results from the survey for my master's thesis that I posted on two weeks ago. Thanks again to everybody who filled it out. Almost 200 people completed the survey - you have been great! Check this out: To anybody who is interested in filling out the survey, too - it is still online for a couple of days (I am trying to get up to 200 respondents), and you are welcome to join in! Attitudes towards hybrid cars - Survey Please feel free to contact me with questions and comments ([email protected]). A lot of you have already done so and it has been a tremendous help! Thanks again - go Prii! Miriam
Doesn't it squew results to post preliminary information before the study is complete? You introduce selection bias (not that there isn't already some). Those who agree with or fit the results you've posted here are less likely to participate as they already feel their view is well represented, those who don't fit might feel the results are wrong and are more likely to submit answers that are different than the current results.
that's why I am not a professor yet... :wink: in all honesty, you are right. but that is also why I chose to post results here that do not enter into my main hypotheses - it is additional information, so I thought it would do no harm.
In question number 8 the list only consists of the following choices: *Subcompact *Compact *Midsize *Luxury *SUV *Mini-Van *Pick-Up *The hybrid is my first car *Not applicable What about sports car? Thats what I traded in when I bought my Prius. Also what does our income or political party have anything to do with Hybrids?
100% of people who bought prius switched vehicle classes. The prius is in a class of its own, right now.