I wasn't really looking for one as my '05 only had 39K on it but it looks like events are forcing my hand. A couple of weeks ago (just before Christmas), some kid in his Durango pulled out in front of me wreaking my Prius. I get a estimate from the ins company for 6k and ship it up to the body shop. I called the shop yesterday and they said that they were thinking of totaling the car and were waiting on the ins company. What sucks about all this is that I'm unemployed and while I can afford a new car, it's going to take a serious hit on my savings. Merry Christmas and Happy New year indeed. If there's any solace I can derive from this ordeal is that the kid who hit me got arrested for driving with a suspended license.
I think you will come pretty close to finding a used Prius for the amount the Insurance Co will pay you. Good Luck car, and job, hunting
Well one less hooligan on the road. Sorry to hear about your Prius and glad that you're ok. Are you thinking about a new 2010 or a used 2G?
Sorry to hear about all that. We can hope there is one less hooligan on the road. Unfortunately, my Brother a long while ago, was hit by a young kid driving with no license, it had been suspended for multiple DUI's. The kid, of course was drunk. Totaled the car, and my brother was in the hospital for about a month. Hopefully laws have changed, but my brothers experience was almost nothing happened to the kid. No Licence, No Insurance, No Money or assets, and he was basicly untouchable. If someone is willing to drive with a suspended license once, what do you do? Plus as far as restitution goes, you can't get blood out of a drunken turnip. Go get checked out by a Doctor. My brother was pretty seriously injured, but to this day he has back problems that were born out of that accident. A mistake my brother made as everything unfolded with his incident was signing a release with his insurance agency. You don't want something bothering you later, and sometimes in a force trauma that can happen. Even if you are feeling great, and I hope you are, I'd recommend a check-up and documentation that you visited a doctor. And obviously don't sign a release with your Insurance company until you feel satisfied with what is happening.
I'm fine. It's been a couple of weeks and there is nothing wrong other than a sore left thumb which is much better now. I may go used but I have a innate fear of used cars. Hopefully, the ins check will cover enough too offset much of the cost of a new car. Plus. the '10 looks good. BTW. How do you make paragraph breaks in this forum? I can hit enter to make a paragraph break in the reply box but when it posts, it's all one big paragraph.
I don't know what's going on on your end. But I hit enter once to get a single-space paragraph break LIKE THIS. I hit enter twice to get a double-space paragraph break LIKE THIS.
The insurance settlement on your 2005 should be enough for you to get a 2006-2009 with little additional cash. Start researching the value of your car & what is locally available.