The ringer isn't obnoxiously loud, but it's certainly loud enough - i've never had a problem with it. In fact, there's a guy who sits about 30 yards from me at work who never turns his volume off - every time he gets an e-mail and his phone beeps, i end up checking mine to see if it was me. VOIP services are available on the iPhone (although at one time they were not). In fact, Skype is available as a free app right now (iPhone Apps ? download Skype for iPhone and iPod touch). The only draw back with VOIP services, however, is that they can only be used over a wifi connection (from what i've read). You can't use them over AT&T's wireless data network (3G or Edge). That is a restriction in place in Apple and AT&T's contract, and from a business standpoint only makes sense - AT&T doesn't want to let you use their unlimited data network for what would otherwise be a huge number of minutes they can sell you. On a side note, i'm disappointed that we don't have anyone here to talk about the MyTouch... i haven't had a chance to see or use one, and it would be nice to have an honest comparison.
I have had the iphone for over a year now and just switched to the mytouch and I LOVE it way more than my iphone 3gs that I had. I was so skeptical to switch because I was a major iphone lover, but the my touch is a lot more convenient in my opinion. The multitasking helps a lot in making things quicker and there are just a lot of other things I like on it that I don't have time to go into right now. The touch screen is good, it has plenty of good apps and its just an awesome phone.