At the Studio Lot I work at we film "Greys Anatomy, and tape "General Hospital", besides mine, I have counted up to 20+ Prii on the lot!!! It's a herd of Prii!!!
He he, a few days ago I was leaving West Edmonton Mall (it was the largest in the world for awhile), full parking lot, and another Prius was waiting for my spot. A blue one.
I've noticed this too! My problem is that I want to hang around and question any Generation II owner that is parked near me. I don't know if that is a good idea or not. I love seeing other Priuses (Prii) on the road, but usually nod rather then wave. Finally saw my first dark gray Gen III at Sawgrass Mills in Sunrise, FL yesterday. Now I can truthfully say I've seen all of the different colors! Most popular colors down here seem to be blizzard pearl, classic silver and sandy beach metallic.
You mean to say that parked way out at the edge of the parking lot, with only empty parking spots for vast distances around you, this guy was wanting your private spot? (I know, you said the lot was full, but that takes the fun out of it....)
In my parking garage there are 4 other Prii. 2-gen 2 and 1 other gen 3. Several months ago we all parked in various spots without regard to one another. Now I have noticed the others getting closer and closer...soon, I believe, the inevitable will happen...I am eagerly anticipating the litter.
It's amazing how many in the medical profession drive Prius - even those that only PLAY medical professionals! Now THAT'S getting into the role! Here in the aerospace industry a lot of the geeks drive Prius, so they're popular in our lot, too. I've mentioned that Boulder (a lot like Berkley) has a large percentage of Prius. I really like seeing the nice Gen I cars up there. They get a tip of the cap from me for still being around and being real well cared for. Same goes for nice Gen I Insights. I'd like to find a nice, clean, low-mileage cheap Gen I Insight just to have one of the first (they're almost more cool looking than a Gen II Prius to me).
I do this too. At my work, there's usually 2-3 prii to park next to. Sometimes I park next to an insight too
In fairness, different situations. Visibility is a two-way street, and as a pedestrian, I'd rather see lights (headlights or brake-lights) than simply see a car pull forward (especially a near-silent Prius like ours).
Fun thread to read! I notice that I see other Prii in groups of 3 around the Salem area--2 plus mine. Happens a lot at intersections and sometimes just down the road. One day, on a two lane, one way street, three of us had a Dodge pickup boxed in--front, rear and side. Kinda cool!
So, now that I'm working again, I get to park in a parking lot daily. I did park next to a nice, Driftwood Pearl Prius yesterday (the owner backs into the space), but didn't have an empty space next to a Prius today. So, I parked all by myself I'll keep trying, however. Any time I see a Prius with a space by it, I'll park there