Okay, so anyone come up with a way to pipe their 3rd party nav system through the existing Prius screen so there aren't wires all over the car and the windshield remains clear? Question 2 (related): While I agree that the DVD-based nav system is mediocre at best, my wife is familiar with the interface on her 2005 and doesn't want to learn another gadget. That said, has anyone added Toyota Navigation to their Prius that was not delivered with it? Just got a 'new' Package 3 2009 that is only missing the nav DVD player (I am guessing the connection is in their somewhere) and the extra buttons surrounding the screen.
I have a 2004 prius and just installed the 9.1 nav upgrade. (released September 2009) As you all know, the defeat nav system lockout while moving no longer works. I am familiar with the "cut the wire and install a switch approach", and will go back to that if I can't find a better solution. Is anyone familiar with a hack that I can access from the screen? I am able to get into multiple service menues but none of them have an over-ride that works the nav system lockout. Can someone tell me if there is in fact a newer approach to getting around the on-the-move problem? I've called Coastal and they said they have nothing and to call back in 3 months. I would appreciate any help here, Thanks Don
I am one of the few that has few complaints about the NAV system in the G3. That said, I have plenty of complaints about the software. In our town, there are large areas that have been built out for 20 years or more .... just blank on the screeen, while right across the highway, plenty of detail. When we first bought the G3, I identified the software manufacturer and attempted to contact them. It was a big "run-around." I would certainly NOT purchase an overpriced software upgrade until such time that I read post that there have been vast improvements I also own a Garmin (with wires for power and antenna). It too has voids in coverage, but not nearly as significant as the software in the Prius. I fear that to expect road upgrades in 2 years is unreasonable.
My old Garmin 550C is far superior in almost every way to the G3 NAV except for screen size. In a word, it sucks.
I have an '05 Prius, and I just ordered the latest upgrade (I hope it's the latest): 86271-GEN04-09... but am now worried, after reading the thread above, that it may not offer significant improvements from my original DVD. I got it because there are lots of changes to roads in and around SF (particularly freeway changes) that weren't on the original DVD. However, from what's been said above, it seems likely that those changes won't be on the newer DVD either. I hate to pay $200 for this update to begin with, but if it doesn't even have any improvements over my original DVD, I'll *really* be PO'd... Guess I'll see. Should get it in the next few days.
You can go to Navteqs website and look at what has been added. Be aware that it will be a lite of what was added from the 8.1 disc.