I've only had to replace the bulbs on the last two vehicles (we've had 4 Toyotas. 5 now incl. the 2010). The 2002 Camry burned out all 3 brake lights starting from the left and came a complete circle (so 4 bulbs replaced). The Prius only had the left taillight go out. You have a Gen 2 thus the LEDs are only for the brakelights. The taillights are standard 168/194 bulbs as you've discovered.
Never heard that before. It's very logical, but I wouldn't bet the farm that all cars are wired that way.
My 2005 Prius has decided to start burning through front driver side parking bulbs. I just put in my third one in a month. I'm going to hope the first package of replacement bulbs I purchased were bad. Bought another set at a different store but they are the same brand! Has anyone else burned through multiple parking lights?
Question: What bulbs are the toyota dealers supposed to replace for free, head light or tail light bulbs or both?
Good advice, but it's a hard habit to get into. My lazy man's way to check lights and turn signals: when I'm in tight traffic at a stop light I'll hit the turn signals and brake briefly, and look for the reflection on the cars in front and behind. Works best using pickup trucks with chromed bumpers.
Weird, both my tail lights went out recently (seen 3 winters with no problems). Drove up to dealership on new years eve and service techs were up front at check in...he told me to just buy 2 bulbs in the service store and he installed them for me for free (cost me $3). Now they are super bright. Glad the cops didnt pull me mover thanks