The Blue G3 kind of reminds me of the Tardis. Has any G3 owner who's a fan of Dr. Who ever called their ride "The Tardis"?
(Thanks for the images Efusco- how'd you manage to get both vehicles aligned to the same angle???!!!)
I have not, nor will I call my blue GIII a TARDIS. The Prius is good, but it can't compete with what the Doctor drives. The Prius does have a cooler key, though.
Our house is larger on the inside than it is on the outside. The Prius seems to have the same trait. Of course, ours is a Gen II.
Had I gone w/ the original decision of blue, I think my wife would have been very quick to call it TARDIS (she's so sad that "her" Dr. has moved on now...). Any vehicle can be considered a time machine when compared to slower means of transit.
David Tennant was a very good Doctor, have the wife watch this clip of the new Doctor and see if it cheers her up!!! [ame=""]YouTube - Doctor Who: Series 5 Preview - BBC One[/ame]
He was a good Doctor. I didn't like him at first, but he turned out to be my favorite Doctor of them all. I guess I too will have to adjust to the new Doctor. I am glad that the Tardis now has a SKS. Make sure you catch the Graham Norton shows that have David Tennant on them!
On New Years Eve some guy walking down the street referred to my second generation Prius as a Tardis because he saw me pulling all my DJ equipment out and couldn't figure out how everything fit inside.
lol. Yeah I get it all the time. Customers are quite surprised when they get inside as it is very roomy and plenty of rear leg room, yet from the outside the car does give the impression it's small. So yes, it has been called the tardis before I didn't realise you got Doctor Who over your side of the pond.
In the last episodes the Doctor had a remote control key for the Tardis do that is an upgrade for him or it. I will miss David as the Doctor but at least we will see some new episodes, been a fan for years and have seen most episodes at least twice.
That's what I was saying back in post #9 regarding the Tardis's new Smart Key System (SKS). I wonder if the lights inside the Tardis turn on with theatrical brightening if it's locked and he happens to walk near it?
I experienced TARDIS mode all over again tonight. I had to make a garage clean-out run to Goodwill tonight in hopes that I'll be able to get BOTH Prius in the garage by the end of the week. With back seats down and front seat reclined, I managed to get the following in: a disassembled twin daybed minus mattress (with my driver's seat scooted quite forward - thank goodness for telescoping wheels!), 4 dinette chairs Stroller, car seat with 2 bases, and a booster seat (FYI they'll only recycle baby stuff like that for liability reasons, but better to recycle than throw away) old ionic air purifier various old pots and pans tall floor lamp CD player children's rocking chair children's roller skates. Revolving spice rack Cat scratching post I probably had room for more items if I filled in the gaps. I'll have to make more trips tomorrow, but that was the bulk of the large items - most of which I didn't imagine would have ever fit. Most would have thought I was some college kid moving into or out of a dorm! I then proceeded to Sam's Club where I bought two new shelving units (4ft long boxes at 96lbs each) and other odds and ends - that was child's play in comparison. Who needs a truck when you have a TARDIS, erm, Prius that's bigger on the inside?
I liked David Tennet from the beginning. BBC America showed his first one a couple hours before they showed his last one. I think he was the same character, the same enthusiasm, the same Doctor the entire time. I liked the presence he gave the role as well as his ability to show compassion one minute and then turn around the next minute knowing that he should not get emotionally involved; the curse of the Time Lord. And then, from time to time, I think he did a great job with what I can only say was acts of timeless cruelty; like something a 900 year old man would dream up. I'm uncertain about the new guy. He looks younger which really throws me off.
Not to keep semi OT, but the Mrs. and I kinda felt that in David's first episode, he was still trying to feel out the role. I believe he appeared more comfortable after a few episodes in season (series) 2. I'm totally with you on the new guy - just doesn't have the appearance of age or wisdom. And... "Geronimo!"? Not too sure about that...