Now that we have single digit temps here, is it OK to start up my Prius ahead of time, like warming up the car for like 10-15 minutes before going anywhere? This is normal where I live with a regular car. In fact, my Jeep has automatic remote start, which is awesome up here. I think it is better to let a car warm up and get the oil warm before driving away. Sometimes you need to just to see out of the windows, etc. I'm not sure how you would do it with my Prius. I do not have automatic remote start on my 2007 Prius, but I do have a smartkey. I guess I'd have to leave the smartkey in the car, apply the brake, making sure it was in park, and start it up. The engine should come on soon, and warm up the car. I could not lock it because the key is in there, but I could not start it without the key being in there. I'm mnot worried about it being stolen, because I'd only do this at my rural home or at work, (very safe). So, does anyone who owns a Prius in the cold northern states do this? Or do all Prius owners have to drive a cold car for awhile? Thanks, Frank D.
Now the temp is in the low 20F, I have started my 2010 in the morning to warm up before driving. On the 2010, once I start it, close the door and walk off with the key fob the car will beep at me a couple of times to tell me the key is not in the vehicle. The car will continue to run and warm up the car. After a few minutes I can get in a warm car and drive to work. You lose some on mpg but I would rather have a warm car
Yes, it is "OK" in the "Yes, it's safe and you won't hurt the car" sense. You may have to put the car on "Max Heat" mode to get the engine to continue to run and remain running. Also, it won't get all that warm b/c it takes a while for the engine to warm up. If you can, I strongly encourage you to consider an engine block heater which will reduce warm up time and get you heat much more quickly.
is it OK to start up my Prius ahead of time, like warming up the car for like 10-15 minutes before going anywhere? That's what I do. There are people here on PC who dislike the idea of the car sitting around empty and idling, but in our area it's common sense. I have the gen II and so need all the visibility I can get. I have the "Smart Key System" (SKS) but not remote start (it wasn't offered for my model year). I sit into the car, start it, crank up the heat and defrost, and walk away. When you have SKS you just need to have the key with you when you start the car, you don't need to take it out of your pocket even. You walk away with the key, the car will sit and idle just fine.
FrankD, I also live in WNY...I start mine ahead of time, especially in these current temps, turn on the Heated Seat and set it at MAX Temp, fan speed about 3/4 about 5-7 Minutes it's rather comfortable and takes little time to warm up the rest of the way.... I however when home leave my SKS FOB in the cupholder..since I didn't know what would happen if I took it far from the range of recognition. I know it will beep, but I wondered if it would shut down??? But apparently not based upon the post from JDCollins5. You can go ahead and pre-warm your Prius and not worry.
Do it for your visibility and your comfort. Don't do it thinking that it's somehow good for the car. It won't do any mechanical harm or good, but it will reduce MPGs. The best way to warm up a Prius is that same as with any car: drive it, gently for the first minute or two.
Take your fob with you. The car will keep running (will stay in READY mode), until you physically shut it off.
Another solution I tried was to use a space heater inside the car. I had an old cheap space heater, the 1000w element was broken, so it was now down to 300 watts or so. I put it inside the car on the passenger seat, and plugged it into the timer along with my engine block heater. It got the car about 20 degrees F above ambient. Not toasty warm, but definitely took the chill off. The car warmed up fully very quickly. CAVEAT: Safety. Know what you are doing or you could start a fire or electrical short. I found insulation of the the power cord to heater broke when it got real cold, exposing bare wires. Also too much heat directed at windows could crack one. Maybe somebody makes in-car heaters that are safer. (Hmm, I guess they do. Wonder if the heaters they used to use at drive-in theaters [showing my age] are still available?)
Thank you all for your kind responses. I just thought that if you walked away with your keys that after so many feet away it would shut off.......good to know that does not happen. In some ways you treat your Prius just like any other car, but in other ways it is quite special. I remember those old drive- in heaters.....some were gas powered and had CO emissions.....I also remember gas powered heaters in the old Beetles......boy, we've come a long way! Frank D.
Of course, keep in mind that, as stated by another before, if you start the car and walk away, someone can drive off with it. If you lock the car with key while it is running, someone can break the window and drive off with it. As long as you are aware of the risk, no big deal. For me, the biggest risk is that I drive off without the key, park it at work, and be stuck. I do it now. It is so cold, anyone waiting around to drive off with my car would freeze to death. As for warming up the car, I just idle it. It is great especially if you, or your spouse/mom/baby don't like the cold. That's why I don't keep a lifetime mileage record. I'll prevent me from sleeping in the car, or keeping the engine running while my wife buys something at the store, or warming up the car in the morning - these things bring the lifetime mileage down but I enjoy the car more. There is no reward at the end of the rainbow for those who keep their mileage up. I still get over 40 mpg from tank to tank so its good enough for me.
Ahhhh . . . but what is OLD, eventually becomes new. The Chevey EV S-10 (based off the EV1) heater system had a diesel fuel fired heater. If memory serves me ... 1.7 gallons of fuel ... to keep the sucker warm. There are still a hand full of them running around the landscape.
Is that why your car wouldn't unlock that day??? Aha! So that's why you never reported back to that thread. Didn't want to admit that, eh?