Ya you get 3 months FREE!! Call and tell them u want a year for 88 bucks!! I did now I have sat radio till 03/ 2011 Im hooked!!! :high5: 1) 59 lil stevens underground garage 2) 46 classic vinyl 3) 13 willies place 4)70s on 7 Good times,
46- is my top music channel 140 -ESPN radio is probably on more than any 55 -Margarittaville is a lot of fun, it isn't just Jimmy Buffett (but there is a lot), but also a variety of other artists ranging from rock to country to reggae. 40-Deep Tracks for less "pop" classic rock is good for a break from the same old/same old
45 The Spectrum 51 The Coffee House On my old radio there were only a few available letters on the display, and it didn't scroll, so 51 said "The Coffee Ho". Not sure what meaning it had, if any.
I've had xm for over 6 year, not sure how long Lil Steve's has been around, but I appreciate the OP's rec...what a great variety of music on there...rock, alternative, blues, and some modern stuff...what a great variety.:rockon:
Preferably any Rock channel where they SHUT THE HELL UP, and just play tunes. NO TALK, MORE MUSIC With the exception of CNN and FOXNEWS and MSNBC. When the world comes to an end in 2012, I want to hear about it first on CNN, then listen to FOX blame the Liberals for not planning ahead, and finally listen to MSNBC blame FOX for everything else!!!
44 - New Wave 47 - Alt Nation 51 - Coffee House 54 - Lithium and the PAC-10 game stations to follow my beloved AZ Wildcats when away from the telly.
Yea, I kinda figured we were mostly talking music/news, but during baseball I love to be able to listen to the Cards games, I've got Best of Sirius for NFL, and listen to my Razorbacks on the SEC channels whenever possible.
If you can't handle talk, get Pandora. Other people have put up criterias on the net so you can tune Pandora to make 70s music, rock, etc. I think you need an iphone though. I'll let my trial expire. Nothing interesting if you are not a sports or talk fan. For pure music there are other alternatives.
Actually I got you beat, an Ipod with 75 Gigs of Tunes, about 13+ days worth...... and it's still growing!!!! I am now transfering my LP's into M4A format..... At some point I will max out the 80 gig drive, Guess I will have to buy a bigger pod!!!
I am a fan of the big Ipods. Unfortunately, mine was stolen. Now I have the iphone and don't feel like shelling out for an Ipod too.