I'm attaching a pic of the inner door panel. Can anyone tell me what the yellow styrofoam does? I don't think it relates to the window as far as I can tell (although could be wrong if someone thinks otherwise.) More specifically, there is a greyish metallic like coating on the foam nearest to the top. Someone have an idea what that's about? I'm hoping to shave both down for various reasons related to my audio install so any help is greatly appreciated.
To me it looks like it could be sound deadening material or a form of cheap support to keep the plastic from caving in.
rattle dampers sound deadening material form of cheap support to keep the plastic from caving in. all the above For audio????? what are you going to be doing??? I sound mat my doors and installed a self made fiberglas sealed system in my doors. no mods to panels Btw Sound mat all interior replace all factory speakers (50w ea.)and a small 8" sub (300w) Wow these prius can sound good
Thanks for the replies and guesses. All of them seem plausible. Rattle dampeners, eh? Hmm...like for the window or just general rattles? For audio install, I'm putting in not only deadener, but mass loaded vinyl as well as closed cell foam. If these little foam things are (essentially) useless, I'd like to either shave them back or remove them completely. The door panel doesn't fit with both the vinyl, closed cell foam, and the Prius foam. But before I hack them or take them out, I guess I'm wondering if they're used for something. I'm guessing the door won't collapse if they're not there. Abra - would love to see pics of your fiberglass work. I'm sure others would as well. Care to share??
I Should have tookn pics of it last year. Like i did with the subbox. all i did was make a fiber back board and wedge it throu the openings. Next i used spacers and hot glue gun to hold the panel in place then made my baffle made my side peices and joined them all together. removed the spacers and done. sound deaden the door skin(pain in the butt) before i didit At this point the car is at the bodyshop inpound lot. " I'm guessing the door won't collapse if they're not there." You know what happens when you guess? i would ebay one, that way you can experment.
Hello, As you've seen in some of my photos (like below) I cut into them in my install to create clearance for my crossovers. I've had the door cards off 4-5 times and can't see ANY reason not to shave the styrofoam back a bit if you need to. - D
Yeah man, I remember seeing you shave those for your crossovers - brilliant idea. But what worries me is the upper one with metal on it. Why would they do that? I just can't figure it out. But it still didn't stop me from trying it out on one door. I figure I'll see if it works and then go from there. When my door starts to fall apart on the highway...I'll post back here!
I have a door panel (extra) not on a car, and had puzzled over that. I think it's primarily stiffening the door so that inner panel doesn't flex when the door is opened or closed. The upper foam blocks are in the area where one would push to shut the door from the outside, and would lessen flexing of the inner panel. Seriously, companies (for at least some cars) work very hard on having the door give a solid "clunk" when slammed shut.