First the article: It would seem the need for hybrid taxis in NY is clear! Check this out. I emailed the NYC TLC (Taxi and Limosince Commision). I got a reply today! I am in receipt of your July 2, 2005 email regarding the proposed new hybrid fuel taxicabs. Thank you for writing the NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission (TLC) and sharing your concerns with us. Your correspondence is being given all due consideration. Yours truly, Michael Crouthers, Correspondence Unit Anyone else feel the need to recommend hybrids to NYC? Go here Who knows if it'll make a difference, but hey, they actually replied!
NEW YORK, NY, July 01, 2005 — The City Council has unanimously approved "the Clean Air Taxis Act" ensuring that some hybrid vehicles will be used as yellow cabs by the fall. TLC board will choose from the Hondas, Fords, and Toyotas that will be used during a trial period. Send in your emails. If there hear from enough of us and the trial goes well, we could eventually see all the taxis replaced with hybrids. "If you converted the entire fleet of New York City taxicabs to hybrids, it would be the equivalent of taking 24,000 cars off the road, from a global warming perspective." Mark A. Izeman, a lawyer with the Natural Resources Defense Council