hey all, Great forum here. Just got a slightly used 2009 Prius, this thing's a base model though. As in, no aux in plug and no aux button on the touchscreen. I want to get a stereo going in it, maybe a Parrot 9200, but until I figure that out and save up the money to do so, I wanted to just plug an aux jack into the back of the stock stereo. I know that's possible on most vehicles, you just need an adapter for the changer input. Does that exist on the base stereo? What kind of adapter cord will I need? I've asked the dealer and a few others...people can't even confirm my speaker size for me, this vehicle seems pretty unorthodox electronically.
I have a similar '07 Prius and wanted to do the same as you. Search this forum using the words DICE, USA Spec, Vais, and Grom. These are some of the companies/products people have used to bring additional audio sources into the radio. I ended up getting a Grom USB2 which has aux, iPod, and USB (memory stick) integration, but they sell one with just aux. Good luck.
Thanks, read your review as well. It's nice to know there's a CD Changer plug back there which means it's accessible, it's just a matter of an adapter for now until I decide on what to install for an aftermarket system.
A decent aftermarket stereo is not too expensive. Why not just go that route first? Most AUX adapters could be at least $50 so why not put that towards a new deck? For $250+install you can have a nice deck with iPod, USB, AUX, and bluetooth.
think I'll do that, but I'm getting extremely inconsistent quotes from people on install time and rates. I'm getting told a car kit is $50 from one person, $230 from another. Feels like nobody even wants to do the install! Strange.
You could do it yourself. It really is not too hard. Or Find a willing shop and show them the instructions in the following link. If they cannot figure it out from there then they should not be in business. lol http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...alth-install-aftermarket-stereo-in-prius.html You do not need an install kit. All you need is one or two wiring harnesses at approx. $20/ea retail. I'd be more than happy to call the stereo shop you are working with and walk them through the install.
thanks F8L, nice of you to offer the help. I think I'm going to look at a few options before I even blow the $50. It looks doable from your thread to just stick a receiver underneath, and since I'm using an iPhone I could just go with a Grom or a Dice. One thing a Grom/Dice solution would have is that steering wheel button control, but a receiver obviously has a nicer sound to it. Either way, I'm putting in new speakers as well. Getting turned off on the Parrot as I never use my phone anyway.
I had trouble from a Best Buy install on my last car, can't give them my money anymore. Other than the Grom, are there any options for an aux cable that goes into the CD changer on the factory? I'd love links as I only found iPod dock cables. I'm starting to think for my needs (which is 90% audiobooks and podcasts) an aux cable is enough. I'm in Canada too so bonus points for anyone who knows of a Canadian place with the elusive aux cable.
I did a whole pile of research and was close on the Grom, either the aux or the iPod interface. Decided to go with the DICE in the Prius Chat shop, you only live once...and most users of it seem to dig it. Great deal and service too. Thank you guys for all your help as I was all wishy-washy on what to do. I'm happy with this choice, but if I want to I can always add an aftermarket underneath the stock setup if for some reason the DICE doesn't work out.
I just installed the Grom Aux adapter. Couple of things I found helpful: 1) Decent installation video from Grom; says for 2008 but was pretty much the same as my 2005: gromaudio.com/videos/Toyota%20Prius%2008.html -GROMified: Toyota Prius 2008 2) Removing the Air Vent Cover - looks simple in the video; I found it the hardest part. Discussion on this forum helped: priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-audio-electronics/52689-how-do-you-remove-front-right-vent-cover.html I actually did use a screwdriver, but on the back side, toward the bottom, where there's a semi-circular gap that let my pry against the black plastic of the dash. 3) Where to place the business end: not much on-line discussion on this; I decided on the lower air vent cover, on the left side. Drilled a hole of successively larger sizes, and then cut to the edge with one of those saw bits. Leaves the adapter cable hanging, but I think that's tolerable. 4) Good time, while you're in there, to replace your cabin air filter.