What was your New Year's Resolution? I will start. Exercise more!!! This year I will try to stuff my bike in the back of my Prius!
Several years ago, I made a resolution to not make New Year's resolutions. I've not broken that one yet. (usually, though, I resolve to write the date correctly on checks...)
Lose the same 10 pounds that I have had to lose after the holidays for the past 20 years. To excercise more (!!).
Since September my wife and I have been working towards going vegetarian. We strive for vegan when possible. By the end of the year, I will be vegetarian with no plans for future meat consumption and most likely working towards solid vegan as a 2011 resolution.
My New Year's resolution for 2010... Two-parter: <--------First, Gonna get this old avatar rolling again after I do the second... Second, Gonna get another house before mid year... Third, repeat... cause it is a C4, and they ain't fricken reliable.
I have been exercising and dieting since October. I have lost 20 pounds, I plan to lose another 20 by the time I graduate in June. I hope it happens.
Great Job Rae! OK I am 20 Over, what's your secret to losing those 20??? I do like vegetables and all good stuff, but working 2nd shift doesn't always fair well for DINING options.. Idea??
exersise man. I go to the YMCA and do 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of weights. I need to start doing more cardio to drop some more. And you can walk into any store and get something good. Another great option is subway. Buy a 12" eat half for lunch and the other half for dinner. Stay away from mayo and stuff, and load up on the veggies. Cheese will kill ya, but I have to have some cheese on my sub. Breads are my downfall, and you would be amazed how many calories you consume by drinking soda or energy drinks. One day I watched my ex wife drink a 32oz soda, 2 cans, and one energy drink, and a starbucks, there was almost 2000 calories alone in drinks. I'm no expert, but I ask alot of questions to the people are in great shape and this is what they tell me, so I am just passing it along.
Thanks for the great suggestions! I am starting to Excercise more in general...walk the stairs vs elevator etc... Also I don't drink Pop but I drink coffee with Cream and Sugar...My downfall...but no Pop or Candy or Cookies at least.. Bread...hmmmmm Love fresh rolls...Back to Wheat if I need bread I guess!
To funny, I grew up in Buffalo, in the Lovejoy area and everyone back there calls it pop, out here it is soda. They think pop is some sort of crack rock. :spit: And when I went to the gym today, about 500 people joined in the last 2 days for their new years resolution. I hope they brake it fast, it gets too crowded and way to many kids running around playing on machines.