If you have $47K, in your hands cash tomorrow morning... what are your plans/options/wants... Me... Hmmmmm...
The hookers and blow sounded really tempting but $47,000 isn't really enough to have a really good time. So I marked: - Savings (what's left) - Car (Fusion Hybrid for my wife)
See, that's the problem with money that just shows up on the doorstep. It is never enough to really change things. Ask me about 4.7 million, and I'll have to think about it. $47k otoh gets treated like $47: Spend about $3k a month, and save the rest for retirement.
You have to specify what is the source of the money before you can decide what to do with it. Money just don't show up on your door step one day. This is fantasy so no need to a poll. If it is drug money i will not touch it with a ten foot pole.
The poll answers says a little of where you are in life. No kids? You won't give it to them. To old for parents to be living? You won't give it to them. Drugs/Prostitutes? You've already kicked the addiction, or too scared/smart to begin experimenting. Enough in savings? Enough Realty? Enough in the markets? Enough cars? You won't need to go that route. Charity Yea, that works, if the above didn't apply. Meah ... thinking outloud. I'd use the dough to go ev/phev ... who's ever 1st ... imiev, volt, prius, leaf. Ok ... it's 2010. THAT's supposed to be the magic year when they ALL hit the market ... 2010 ... well ... here we are ... (crickets)? .
i would send sallie mae a farewell, enjoy the peace of being debt-free, take a vacation with DH, and bank the rest.
I thought this was the internets and all Bra... and we could put up something if we wanted too... now you want to say what is worthy of a poll... http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j97/dyeggy/cookie-monster-Wth-is-this.jpg
Win. Also: $47k will get you about 10 rounds with Eliot Spitzer's chick: I'm a big fan of the guy - personal shortcomings be damned.
In the Caribbean, you can get two smoking hot Colombian chicks in bed at the same time for $90 total Tell Melena and Paola hello for me!