it feels weird but I'm loving it! Been driving BMWs for a while and I know nothing about hybrid cars. I even thought they were harmful to the environment. But thanks to this forum my doubts about the car vanished and nagging questions answered. So 3 days ago I took home my Prius II and had the car tinted on the way home. Initial impressions are very promising - quiet ride at <50mph, surprisingly good base stereo, love the power mode and of course great mpg. Hope to learn more about this car and hybrid in general. I've attached some pics - sorry for the bad exposure. Looking forward to a meaningful exchange of thoughts and ideas. Joseph
Congratulations and Welcome to the Prius Family! :welcome: Enjoy learning your new car and enjoying the features and great gas mileage! Enjoy...
You're the Anti-Me! Just kidding, sharp looking automobile. I like Black...classic. That's a II? I thought II's III's and IV's only came with the somewhat disapointing blanks where the foglights should be?
ElectricMe, I think those aren't foglights, the upper one's are the turn signals... The bottom appears to be blank Your correct they are not on the II or III's or IV's (??), I believe. They are on my V
EletricMe, funny you say that because sometimes I'm Anti-Me, too! You're correct there are no fogs under the turn signals. It doesn't show well on the pics either because it blends with the black exterior or bad camera exposure. BTW, thanks for the compliments and thanks everyone else for the nice welcome.
Sort of off topic, but your pictures illuminate this well. One thing that has really grown on me about the 2010's is the headlights. When I first saw them, I didn't think I liked the new "Harry Potter" lightning bolt design of the front headlights as much as the simpler design and "purity" of the 2nd generation "tear drop" Prius headlights. But the more I see the new design, the more I like it. The zig zag really makes the whole front look much sportier IMO. It took me a while to adjust but now I'd say I like the 3rd generation headlights better.
Okay, now maybe I'm being stupid? (Always a possibility) Or maybe it's the angle of the two photos? But why does it appear in the OP's photos that the turn signals and the blanks are "black" thus blending into the automobile better? While this photo shows the turn signal and the "grey" blanks? Is it just the lighting and angle, or did Toyota decide to paint the blanks to match the cars? I really like black, it would be my first choice, but I think I'm going to have to do something about those blanks if they are that color grey.
I believe they still remain GREY in color.....You could always have them painted I suppose if your NOT looking at installing aftermarket Fogs???? Personal choice I guess...
G'day mate, bonza bus that new Prius! Enjoy the fancy new car! Welcome to the international world of Prius.
Beautiful car! Welcome Just curious, why did you think hybrids were harmful to the environment before?
I own a ford f-250 (15 MPG) however we are a one vehicle household. The truck is needed for my business. I get the stares all the time from prius owner so I am asking you as a new owner to enjoy your new vehicle but please do not judge me with a quick glance. The "holier than thou attitude of some (not all) has got to end. I live in a town of well to do people many of which own a prius. Thge irony here is that some of them drive their prius up to a 15,000 square foot home! It pisses me off to no end! They look at me with my truck like I am the devil then they go home to their pallace with indoor pool etc.. their carbon foot print is gigantic compared to mine. Well I guess they get that warm and fuzzy feeling and that is all that matters. BTW there is a diesel VW in europe that gets 80+ MPH that casts half the price of a prius Honestly, enjoy your new car I will pass no judgement on you (unless you live in a mansion) if you will do the same for me. Peace