Well after reading a few of the postings regarding lack of lumbar support on the stock seats, I am wondering if there have been any solutions to this problem, perhaps some have had the same effect as I have had. So my situation is this: 07 Prius, bought used, originally came into port in Florida, and I am in California. Dont know which package I have but it has some upgrades. Problem: So I find that on long commutes of 1.5 hrs or more, I start to get this horrible pain on my back (upper shoulder blade area) and not sure if it is attributed to the lumbar support/lack there-of. I noticed on my VW, which had bucket seats with lumbar support, I could drive for hours and hours and no problems. Yet after I purchased my Prius and started to commute, i am having these issues. Mind you I am not tall and heavy...5"11", weight 178 lbs. So I am trying to find a solution, cause I just can't stand my commutes with the pain. btw, I recently drove a government vehicle (basic 15 passager van by chevy) a week ago, and hand to transport some mates up to Paso Robles, Ca (from LA) and had no back problems at all! need some advice
At many local stores, including WalMart and even some dollar stores, I've seen a black mesh lumbar support for sale. It's just black mesh on a wire frame...quite simple, and most effective for improving an uncomfortable chair. There's no reason it shouldn't work in a car. I'll see if I can find a photo for you... Chuck
mmhmm.... try your local parts store for lumbar support. Alternatively, if you're hardcore, you can contact cycledrum and ask him how he modified his seat.
OK, so the black thing isn't the prettiest solution. But it's super-cheap, and would tell him if lumbar support would actually help whatever is making him uncomfortable. Why invest a lot of money for a "solution" that may not fix the problem? Chuck
Lumbar problems from Gen II Prius?!? Never heard of such a thing! . . ound: ound: ound: . . er, I use a blow up cushion. .
Oooh that's a tough one, solving pain problems. I guess you need to tune into what you don't like about the seat and change it. Off the shelf mods are things like seat covers, seat cushions, lumbar cushions, neck pillows, etc... minor mods are having an upholsterer add lumbar foam into the seat or do it yourself. Also there are www.extendmyseat.com brackets off the shelf. Bigger DIY mods are melding a Prius seat with Corolla seat to get height adjustment (I'm starting on that now). Biggest mods would be putting another seat in, like a Recaro Specialist M model to the tune of about $1,700 installed for a driver's seat.
I agree Chuck. I bought 2 of the units for $10 each at a local Walgrens a few months ago. They work very well for the cost.
Ah, nevermind. Try the black lumbar mesh cushion. It's cheap and you can return it if doesn't work. I've spent over $1k on seat mods / parts, so that thing is cheap.
I put a Homemedics seat cushion in that is heated, has lumbar support and has vibrators. I found this to be a great addition to my driving. I have had three lower back surgeries and needed the support and relief for my aching back. Plugs in the 12 volt outlet in the front. Works great!
AFPrius, I also experienced the same problem with the lack of lumbar support the Prius has. In 2006, i found a thread that suggested "Rostra Lumbar Bladders" and it showed specific instructions on how to install them. I've been happy ever since. good luck
Another vote for trying out one of those mesh seatbacks. It works for my back. And for as low as $4 (someone here paid $4 for one at Walgreens a couple of weeks ago), there'd be hardly any money at risk. Here's a pic of one on a Gen II Prius seat: [IMGLINK]http://priuschat.com/forums/attachments/gen-ii-prius-main-forum/8380d1207091681-great-back-support-your-seats-005.jpg[/IMGLINK] EDIT: Also consider adjusting the seatback. I've found that I get pretty good lumbar support if I move the seatback one notch back from the full upright position.