Greetings My GIII will not run - when we attempt to start it, the main display says "Check Hybrid System". The 12 volt battery is fine, and we even tried jumping it, but it made no difference. Will a standard OBD 2 instrument read and clear this (when the problem is resolved)? I just called Scan Gauge - they still do not have a fix for X-Gauge on GIII...... Thanks, Ken
It won't go into "Ready" mode at all (with brake pedal applied)? Any other information you can provide like: I was modifing the wiring installing a GIS yesterday... etc.?
Definitely more information would be helpful. Did you drive it recently without problem? Any Mods you were working on? Did you jump correctly? Does any of the interior lights work? How long you have the car? Any other issues previously? Recent Service? Drive through deep water?
6000 miles since June. No mods- I hate to admit it, but for me this time stock is best. Sitting in heated garage for a few days, All lights work, battery 12.5VDC, jumped according to book. When we were checking the spare tire pressure, we pulled off an orange plug cover that has a release handle next the cooling discharge vent on the big battery.......Maybe? I do not want to buy a scanner if only the official Toyota device will do.... Ken
The Orange Plug cover is from the HV System, that's why they are orange as color coded to tell. I am a bit suspicious of that...??? Have never got into that with my GEN III or GEN I, but recheck that....and see???
He he, yeah that's the problem. The orange handle I believe is the service disconnect which disables the high voltage batteries so a service technician can operate on the vehicle without shocking themselves silly. Make sure that the handle release is securely re-attached AND locked (you should have to physically press it down either towards the right of the vehicle or towards the ground...I don't have a 2010 but I know that the plug is the same on the 2004-2009 models which I have plenty of...). Without the plug in, obviously the car cannot start. That should take care of your problem =). Andrew
I don't believe so, but that really depends on what he is defining as a cover...I suppose the orange plug could be understood to be a cover =). Anyway, make sure that the orange plug is securely re-attached (it's a bit of a trick to get it back in on the Gen2, I assume the same is true for Gen3) and pressed all the way down (it doesn't make contact until it locks in). Andrew
Use can be made of a man who is simple and lazy, Those who are clever and industriuos are suited for high staff appointment, the man who is clever and lazy is for highest command, for he has the nerve to deal with all situations, but the man who is stupid and industrious must be dimissed immediatly, for he is a menace to everyone...... When I put the plug back in, I pushed it straight in, and then swung the lever to the locked position, where it sati9sfactorly clicked home. However, afetr that, you still need to SLIDE the locking handle to close an electrical circuit.......... Thanks
Mmmm...The Gen2 one you just stick in and push down to lock--looks like they added a step. Good to know and glad it works now for you! Andrew
Just saw this thread or I would have posted sooner. You were not the first, and I'm sure not the last
On the Gen III you not only have to install the orange interlock plug and move it to the right to install the "logic" circuit interlock, but you have to start and "drive the car" and then cycle the system at least three times to clear the hybrid system code and "check hybrid system" display on the dash. There are enough gotcha's on this circuit to get your attention. There is another reset that may or may not work for this condition and that is to put the system in "accessory" mode, then with brake on, hold power button for 15 seconds. All this is assuming that the orange plug is installed normally. We are having fun now. I am sure in Gen IV they will change it to something else. For me adding a plug in capability in 2012 is a joke when it is here today from a lot of vendors.
perhaps they will use a different color and rethink the phev? not sure if anyone who posted last year will notice.
Hey did you ever find a solution? I got into a car accident recently and the repairs were going well until the technicians ran into the same problem. What they told me was that they changed the radiator, flushed out all the engine coolant and prior to that took out the orange release. When they put it back the check hybrid system came up on the dashboard and the car wasn't able to drive. They couldn't switch to any gear but the car was able to power on with no problems. We tried doing the accessory mode fix but that didn't work. Right now the car was sent to a technician because they think its a problem with the "computer" and also want to use a scan tool to check to see if there are any codes that come up. Essentially they are pretty much clueless and have had my car since 5pm yesterday. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I use this car for work and really need it working.