Prius system variables and values on ScanGauge II for best FE. Has anyone come up with a preferred set of variables for the 4 that the SG II can display for best FE, together with the magnitude or range thereof? There seem to be a variety of comments in many threads dating from 2006 on this subject, but no consensus has been summarized anywhere that I have been able to find. Having recently acquired one of these little jewels, I have been programming a number of the codes in X-Gauge suggested by others (SOC, INJ, HPR, BTA, BTV) in addition to the standard codes that come ready programmed. The problem now is selecting those that provide the best feedback to maximize FE.
On the Gen II I run WT ( water temp) SOC (Status of Charge) RPM and IGN (Ignition Timing). On the highway I switch RPM to TPS (Throttle Position).
I'm often switching between parameters (on ScanGauge and CAN-View) for varying purposes. This thread discusses it more. And this has pointers to several others on the subject. (In case you haven't already seen these.)
Here is my feeling... soc is easy to get a relative value with the cars current screens. I don't need mpg cause i can get that from the car also. So my scangauge displays rpm to know if the engine is spinning and how hard it's being pushed. HPR, horsepower to tell if I'm using fuel and work with RPM to tell on how hard I'm pushing it. 0 HPR, 0 fuel used. Battery current to tell how hard I can break and how fast i can go on electric and to explain some of the strange MPG readings. And last but not least coolant temp for the ICE. Tell when the heater will work if I can change actions to improve mileage ect.
Anyone know if it is possible to reverse the sign on the Traction Battery Current (BHA) on the Scangauge II x-gauge readout? Currently (no pun intended!) my coding shows the HV current as -ve when regeneration is pumping energy into the battery, and +ve when current is being drained from the HV battery. To my way of thinking, just the opposite signs should apply, since regeneration is a positive recapturing of energy and current drain is a negative! Any thoughts?
I think of it as the work being done by the battery.... +ve work by the battery discharges it. I just got used to it... didn't bother trying to change it and it would probably confuse me more now to change it to what you're looking for.
Thanks BAllanJ. Yes, I do understand it all depends on your point of view .... we all see the world a little differently! It truly isn't an item I lose any sleep over! I'll just wait and see if I get anything back from Linear Logic on the question.
I've the same request: plus symbol when HV battery are charged and minus when decharged. My english is so poor and my math knowledge worst, so I'm not sure understand what Dan says in this post: CleanMPG Forums - View Single Post - XGauge (CAN-bus) for Dummies... about to calculate the output (and by result the 'sense') of the value. The fourth field (MTH) is just for our case and it can multiply, divide and add some value s from the data read and visualize it. So, do you know if there is a way to reverse a number with multiply, divede or sum algebrical value? (for example if it +34 turn to -34).