Good morning, Happy new year! Wish I had thought of this yesterday. I am on my way to the dealer to purchase 2010 prius iv ---- Can anyone who has had this braking issue please tell me how do I replicate the issue on a test drive in simple terms? I'm going to have a mechanic ride with me to discuss how the brakes are supposed to work also. I'm going to 2 different dealers and will drive 2 different cars- I've already taken 3 overnight and did not notice problem but I wasn't looking for it either. Leaving soon - I hope there's some early birds out there! Thank you~~~
Which braking issue? Some are complaining about loss of braking over bumps, others about grabbing brakes while backing. A few complain of grabbing while going forward. Yet another thread complains about brake noise. Is your complaint one of these? Tom
You probably won't be able to replicate it. You need to go over a bump much faster then you normally would go over it.
And you need to be braking lightly, not a full mechanical brake. (which is why it's a non-issue). You don't brake lightly when the extra foot matters). It's not the brakes that skip, it's the regenerative braking system switching to ABS when a slip is detected due to the pothole.
I drove my car for over a year before I encountered the right conditions to make the regen / friction transition happen where I could feel it. You need to be braking lightly and then hit a bump or pothole severe enough that the car senses that a wheel is slipping. It doesn't happen that often if you drive like a reasonable person. :madgrin:
Winter driving makes it a lot easier to experience the braking transition. Brake moderately hard on a slippery surface and it will happen almost every time. Tom
ummm, you need to check your calendar, but anyway good morning and happy old year! actually 3 different times in the past several weeks i have attempted the same thing and am not having a huge amount of success. once i did slide a bit by entering a roundabout at around 25 mph, getting halfway thru and lightly applying brake pressure until my front right tire hit a manhole cover which allowed me to slide a bit which did seem to affect the braking overall, but was not really all that much of an event. but i am still gonna try. i let u know if i find something
I keep it in the carport and drive the fuel sucking 4wd when there is a chance that I will actually require 4wd. :madgrin: I will revise the original statement: My car has never touched the snow. It might have glimpsed it once out of the corner of its eye though. :madgrin:
Precisely. Happens to me every day here. We've got ice and snow on the roads after the last storm and it happens just about every time I brake lightly now. You get used to it.
Isn't that a rather personal question? I'm just saying that no other Prius has popped up in the carport.
How do you replicate the braking issue? Well with all my research I would say it isn't going to be easy. You'll need a tub of Crisco, a riding crop, 3 traffic cones and a hologram of Rush Limbaugh. You'll need to set these all up in specific manner (details available on Youtube: Enter Crisco/Riding Crop) wait for a full moon night in an empty parking lot. Just remember, when the pedal sinks to the floor don't swerve to miss Rush, the regenerative/friction braking should kick in before you flatten him.