Routing a 1/8 audio jack cable to the center console. How do it do it?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by baconismidog, Dec 30, 2009.

  1. baconismidog

    baconismidog New Member

    Dec 30, 2009
    2007 Prius

    I just bought a used 2007 Prius base package. It does not have an audio jack in the console, just power. Both my wife and I have Iphones and use Pandora streaming radio, playlists and the phone a ton. Thus, I needed a way to pipe the audio out from my phone to the radio and to link bluetooth.

    I removed the h t t p and www from all my links cause I'm a noob...

    I've purchased the car2aux (Toyota / Scion / Lexus Auxiliary interface(Car2AUX-TOY) - ) adapter and this Kingston bluetooth adapter (Kensington LiquidAUX Bluetooth Car Kit - K33428US -

    I hope to have the bluetooth plug into the car2aux and route the audio over the A2DP protocol via bluetooth. Now (assuming this all works) I need to be able to nicely conceal all this mess from my Type A anal-retentive wife.

    I am thinking I would like to make a perm install of a aux cable using something like this ( into the console. That way, If this solution fails or if I want to move to something different in the future I will have the option to simply dump that bluetooth and move to a different aux jack type item.

    What I am looking for is detailed instructions to route a cable from my dash or glove box to my console. Also some thoughts on different/better ways to do this.

    Thanks in advance everyone.
  2. Oneaxepony

    Oneaxepony Junior Member

    Feb 20, 2009
    Northeast Ohio
    2007 Prius
    I have an '07 base Prius also which I purchased in early '09. The first thing I did was check to see if an aux cable had been run to the center console even though no jack is installed. As I recall, there are two screws on the front of console near the floor, one on each side. They are hidden behind a trim piece which pops-off easily. Once those screws are out, lift up the front of the console and it should pivot upward - just try it and you'll see what I mean. It turned out there is no aux wiring. You will see however there is a channel which runs under the carpet which will allow you to route the wiring from the dash. I decided not to do this and instead installed an aux port in the plastic pocket below the radio. I just drilled a hole in the plastic and routed my aux wiring through it. This works fine (I used a Grom USB2 which has aux as well as USB and iPod connectivity). I have no experience with Blue Tooth so I cant help you there.

    These are not detailed instructions but hopefully they give you some idea of what you're up against in getting to the the center console. It can be done if thats what you want, but its easier if you can keep it in the dash area. Good Luck.
  3. baconismidog

    baconismidog New Member

    Dec 30, 2009
    2007 Prius
    Thank you very much Oneaxepony for your experience. I figured that routing that cable would be a bit of a chore.

    I have been thinking that I might not have to choose between the glove box and the console option.

    I think I'll plug a RCA to stereo mini female into the back of the car2aux ( )
    Then split that with something like this: ( )

    Then run one split the the glove box and one split to the console using a stereo mini extension cable (

    Then carefully mod those little plastic circles in my prius to snugly hold the female ends of those stereo extension cables. With some careful drilling and some epoxy it should look better than factory.

    Then run the glovebox female via another extender (the one that comes with the Kensington bluetooth) to rest just above the 12V under the glove box.

    This will give me an aux in the console, in the glovebox and one above the second 12v power adapter in the dash. If I want to use the glovebox I only need unplug the extension running to the second 12v. That coupled with the streaming bluetooth audio and I should have a nice clean versatile install.

    Of course I'll plug all this in and test it before I close up the car. I'll also be sure to wrap the connections with electrical tape and then papertape to make sure they don't wriggle loose over the lifetime of the car.

    What do you guys think? Also, if anyone has any more detailed instructions on how to route that cable to the console, I'm all ears.

  4. don_chuwish

    don_chuwish Well Seasoned Member

    May 1, 2009
    Southern Oregon
    2007 Prius
    Is there an AUX-in on the back of the base model stereo? I thought I read other threads stating that there wasn't one, not sure if that was model year specific tho. My 2007 Pkg 2 has the AUX in. This handy DICE install PDF from ualdriver and eko shows an easy way to reach the back of the stereo so you can confirm.

    - D

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