I just applied RainX glass cleaner with rain repellent this morning. There is snow and rain expected this afternoon. This should be a good test. Does anyone have any experience with RainX cleaner with rain repellent?
I've used regular Rain-X for years and I assume a cleaner with it will perform similarly, and I basically no longer need to use wipers. I think it's less tiring on longer trips than seeing and hearing the wipers, and no need to adjust wiper speeds in varying rain intensity. You do need to be going about 20-25 to get the drops to run up the windshield rapidly, and the only issue you need to expect is at night when, as you move under a street light, you'll get a brief flash of seeing all the drops on the windshield as the light strikes them. Not a problem, but something you will experience. I've used it since 1983 without fail. Regular Rain-X lasts about a month on the windshield in our climate, the rest of the windows I just apply at wax time. I hope you like it as much as I do. I don't recommend the interior Rain-X anti-fog.
If you have never used Rain-X before you are going to love it IMO. I have been using Rain-X since I could apply it on my dads vehicles when I was a teenager and still use it through this day... Great stuff. Use the Rain-X washer fluid as well and it will extend the life of your application. Not to mention it is a great washer fluid to boot.
rainX works very well, and i also dont recommend the "anti-fog" version. we have major fog issues here in winter but it simply did not work at all for me, but we also average 100% humidity nearly every winter morning
I have to agree with the rest of the folks on the anti-fog stuff. I haven't put the rain-x on the prius yet, mostly because in the past I'd experience more wiper chatter when I needed to use them. Though, I'm sure with the angle of the windshield on the Prius, that will mostly only be at red lights or in stop-and-go traffic. I have used the cleaner with rain-x in the past, and my take on it was that it wasn't as good as plain rain-x. It also tended to wear off a little faster and needed to be re-applied sooner because of that. It is a much easier application, not that the regular rain-x isn't simple enough, though. I should apply the rain-x to the Prius soon, but just haven't gotten around to it with all the cold or rainy/snowy weather we've gotten here this year. It works great on the side windows for those mornings where you get a little bit of moisture on the windows or even in the rain as it keeps those drops moving.
I put the stuff on this fall (4 months) thinking I would have to re-apply it often through out the winter but the water is blowing off the windshield without the use of the wipers. Great stuff.
depends on where you are and how much road grime you get. eventually that will rub off the glaze. i usually have to do it once a month to make it work well, although i admit i usually let it go a few weeks after it needs to be redone before getting around to it. but in rainy areas, its by far the best thing going if you have any night vision problems at all
I live in The Pacific Northwest and we get a lot of rain. I use Rain-X on all my windows, even apply it to the side mirrors. In heavy rain I think it helps maintain better visibility. On mirrors and side windows it seems to last fairly well, 3-5 weeks, my only "gripe" is on the front windshield with the wiper, to maintain any real benefit, I have to apply about every 2 weeks. But basicly it's a spray on, wipe off deal, and I think it helps keep the glass cleaner to begin with, so it's worth it to me.
Besides the Rain-X washer fluid, they sell an additive you add to cheap ol' washer fluid which 're-applies' it when you squirt the window. From experience, it does help maintain beading a lot longer... Also, they sell glass cleaner with the rain x in it so when you clean the windows it apples rain x at the same time... That's a good time saver and it was cheap at the wholesale clubs this past summer.
Oh man, did I miss the thank you cut off time? Oh well, I didn't have anything worthwhile to add to the discussion anyway.
I use the Rain-X cleaner, regular Rain-X, and I have Rain-X washer fluid. The cleaner works well for 'touch ups' between regular applications, and for when you come out and find that a bird has gifted your windshield whilst you were indoors somewhere :mmph: The washer fluid works really well as washer fluid, and it MIGHT keep the Rain-X you already have applied working, but I don't think it will ADD any Rain-X protection to the windshield. All three seem to work well for me.
If you use a Microfiber cloth to apply it, there will be no "White Film" You also need to put a little more effort into the application process...... Wax On, Wax Off
I think he is talking about the Rain-X washer fluid, not the rain-x water repellent treatment itself. But you are right about the micro fiber except that I use the micro fiber in the end after applying it and then buffing it off with cheap paper towels. I'll have to try applying it using micro fiber in the first place...