Did you get any competing quotes? These dealers know each other and you should make it known that you do too.
I had somewhere north of 40k when I traded for a 2007 HyCam. It was a long 2 year wait to trade my 97 CRV in for the 2010 Prius. The standout improvements are the seats, handling (especially on the highway) and slightly increased horsepower. Also love my radar cruise control.
Invoice he claims is 29185.84 with Prius IV w/Solar and Nav. The $23,071 is the total cost out of the door with taxes and plate transfers included and after my trade-in deduction.
You haven't bought it yet?!?!? I think you should pull the trigger and enjoy it over the holiday weekend.
I've put the deposit down. They don't have the car on the lot. They have to get it from another dealer.
If you think you will enjoy it go for it! I would try to talk him up (slightly) on the trade-in. I bet he'd do it! Like others have said it's not the most economically feasible, but a lot of times a car buying experience is a little emotional. And, it would be rewarding to you personally if you spend a lot of time in your car. -Brad
First day since buying mine that I will not be driving anywhere - I'm having withdrawal symptoms! It may not be "perfect" but it is fun.
Congrats! I think you'll be very happy with it, especially if you tend to make a lot of long highway trips (the reason I traded my 2004 after only 3 years).