For those of you with a 3G model V and LED headlights, I'm curious what you think of them. For me, I like how bright they are, very similar to Zenon headlights, but out of the factory I feel that they are aimed too low. And the "auto-adjusting" feature, unless I'm missing it, I've never seen them auto-adjust. The way they just "square off" to an edge at the end of the beam instead of just fade out ahead is very different. Because of that, especially when I'm going down a hill no matter how slight, there's not enough light to see the road ahead and it's actually dangerous to me. I've never felt that way with any other car I've ever owned, and I've owned several other cars over the years. I originally thought that the auto-adjust feature meant they would go up and down automatically as the road does for optimum light (like I believe I've seen in higher end cars), but apparently that's not the case in the Prius. When I take it in for the first 5000 mile service I'm going to ask the dealer about having them adjusted, if that's even possible. I love the 3G Prius overall, but I'm really curious to see what other model V owners think about this.
The headlights must still be adjusted to establish a baseline for the auto adjust feature. Unfortunately many of the LED equipped cars have been adjusted far to low at the factory. I could easily overdrive mine at 30 or 35 MPH! Check post #15 of this thread for DIY aiming instructions, it's easy to do.
Thanks for the info, T-weed. I've actually adjusted the headlights on all of my previous cars myself, but was leary on the Prius because LED's are new technology and I didn't want to take the chance of "screwing" anything up. But based on the info you referred me too, it sounds like they adjust easily like other headlights do, so I think I'll go ahead and give it a shot myself.
The "Self Leveling" aspect of the V's headlights has to do with additional weight being added to the rear of the car (heavy passengers, extra cargo etc,). This feature lowers the headlights to prevent them from shining too high, and into oncoming traffic. David (aka Blind Guy)
I've been driving cars with bi-xenons for years, and I feel the LED headlights compare favorably in terms of color, brightness and visibility. The cut-off on these high intensity headlights (LEDS and HIDs) is a design feature so that you don't blind oncoming traffic. Regarding the self leveling, try turning the car off with the headlights on (they'll turn off after 30 seconds). Then the next time you start the car in your garage, you should notice the beams move up and down as part of the initialization process. And the self leveling should adjust to account for different loads (the start up initialization), also during hard braking and acceleration (as the car's level changes--although the later is moot on a Prius), and also when going up and down road grades. That's how it's worked on many previous cars I've had with bi-xenons, so I assume it's the same with the LEDs, but am not certain.
The auto leveling adjusts to a pot on the suspension. So it isn't really sensitive to going up or down hills. Only to load in the car (though if the hill was steep enough to cause the car to "lean" forward or back, it would adjust to that). As for the braking or acceleration, they don't adjust immediately, so I doubt you would see them account for the car's torque reaction (the little that is there ). I'm hoping the LED headlamps will be reliable, and therefore a -BIG- improvement over the HIDs of the previous generation. I might even be tempted to "go for" a higher package to get them if they work out well. IF they are offered in Canada.
I raised mine last weekend per T-Weed's experience and posts. Very easy. Took them up about 14 'notches' each. Made a big difference, although I may go just a touch higher. For the mean time, I am trying them where they are, and haven't had a single person flash their hi-beams at me yet... Otherwise, I love them. First car I have owned with the nice, white color of low-beams.
Update: I adjusted the headlights myself. It was easy! Had to go 18 clicks to get them satisfactory. Surprised at how low they were out of the factory. Now I can actually see safely again while driving at night!
SD Local... Don't get mad if I flash my halogens at you when you shine those LEDs at me when driving around town
I will admit these LED headlights are amazing. It was only recently when driving in my neighbors Honda Accord that I realized how DIM the standard Halogens are. I guess I have been so used to the Prius and so accustomed to them now, that I didn't realize the difference. I am so glad they are on the Model I chose. Working off hours and driving more at night, the headlamps have much improved my night vision! I have not adjusted them higher yet but plan on taking them up a little. Thumbs up from me!
How does one adjust the LED headlights? There is a little white plastic nut in there, but that looks to be part of the leveling system?
I like these LED lights, better then the HIDs I had on my 2009. I work nights and get off about 3 am,I live in the north suburbs Lots of deer,They really light up the road.
I have noticed the cutoff in the G3 is a little too low. I've added the HID conversion kit (as I did with my past 4 vehicles) but usually can't even see speed limit signs or other road signs without going uphill or downhill before I get to them.