When I park my G3 in a parking lot, I try to park next to other Pri of any generation if I see one. I'll even drive around the lot a bit to see if there's one nearby to park next to- should I seek professional help? I also like it when I get behind another Prius on the road or see another Prius behind me in my rearview mirror. I'm hoping for a convoy! Anyone else like to be part of the herd??? I'm not sure it's me- I really think it's the car...
4, 5 or 6 years ago I did this a lot. The Prius was much more of a rarity then, so putting a couple together really garnered more attention. These days...I don't try so hard. If there's an obvious open spot next to another one I'll take it, but I don't go out of my way. The number of vehicles on the road is a statement in itself.
A couple of months ago, I was driving my red 07 on I-75 toward Toledo OH. Another Red 04-09 carme up to pass me and instead, he fell in behind me and we travelled for about 50 miles. Two nearly identical Gen II red Pri.
So, you're saying I'll grow out of it?!? Good- I'd rather spend my money on things other than a therapist!
Geee's you all need help! But then, I wave at other Prii... especially if they have cute blonde female owners:eyebrows:
i really hate it when i get caught behind a prius most of the time they are going to slow.To hell with your MPG!!! i need to get to work .i drive the prius like a normal car and still get 49mpg.love my GEn 3.
On my way to work yesterday, I passed 2 Priuses in a row. I was tempted to wave or beep, but thought it might be a little corny.
Three times in the last week I came back to my car to find another prius next to it. Normally a '04-'09. Last time my friend told me they were multiplying. Now I know why.
I always park as far away from others as I can. I hate door dings and other parking lot blemishes Traded in my 2005 Honda Civic Hybrid with 88,000 miles without a blemish. So if you see my 2010 Prius IV parked in a lot, please don't park next to me!
At the office we practice alternate space parking along the back row. I want to be as far away from everyone as practicable regardless of what I drive.
I don't think it's odd, but maybe a subconscious feeling that the Prius owners take more car with their car and will be more observant of your car when it is next to it. I've had people in G2 Prius stop and look at mine. I also had a 30 min conversation in the parking lot around Thanksgiving with a gentleman that parked 2 spots up from me. Typically, I try to park away from people knowing that parking lots are almost a guarantee for a ding or dent from others. Once I get the enginer 4kw system installed, I'll be scoping out the light posts at work that have outlets built into them. Best believe I'm plugging in on their dime!
I also try to park away from other vehicles- or along a landscape planter or at the end of a row if I can. But, if I have to, I'd rather park next to another Prius. I too have had many conversations in parking lots with fellow Prius owners (we seem to be a friendly bunch). And, I can't help but wonder if wick1ert isn't right about Prius owners being more careful and respectful of other cars. I was chatting with a woman who had a G2 recently in the lot of my favorite Pho restaurant. I asked her how she managed to get a Prius that was bright yellow/green. She told me "I dyed it!"
I do this to some degree, we are both mad as snakes!! Live with it, it is the differences that make us interesting. I wont park beside a car with dents, only ever park beside a nice car and always respect other people's cars.
Funny though I am the end of the parking lot guy, and it is where I found a lot of pris. Another point is the day I took it out of the dealer lot it seemed that everyone else was driving one Like most of you I try to watch for dents. My previous car was a Matrix and as much as I did enjoy it the paint was definitely the weak point. Small road pebbles did chip the paint in many places, so I do hope the pri paint job will fare better.
Speaking of parking, I always park so that I can just drive right out without backing up. The fuel savings adds up...eventually.
Good tip..eventually! Do you always do it even with angled parking? I'll do that at times when it's 90 degree parking, but I feel odd if my car's facing forward the wrong direction in angled parking. I'll bet you HATE parking lots with wheel stops!
If I am up in Boulder it's hard NOT to park next to a Prius! Probably the most Prius per capita in the nation. Even Denver has quite a few, probably because it's very much a commuting city. I don't think there's been a single day when I didn't see at least one more on my commute. Speaking of parking, when my wife worked for Raytheon they had preferential parking right up front for hybrids and EVs. I wish more aerospace companies would adopt that as a small incentive to get their people to drive more efficient cars! Plus I want to park up front but my company doesn't do this . It's cool to go by her old work site and see a row of nothing but Prius and other hybrids!