Does anyone know how to turn off the Nav system while driving without beating it to to death with an emergency escape hammer? Thanks!
Tried that, but the lady kept telling me to do a u-turn. Telling her to "suspend guidance" seems like a reasonable solution. I guess I'm old fashioned. I would have had no trouble with an on -off button.
You would first have to hit the TALK Button on the steering wheel befoere saying "Ssuspend Guidance". Or you can hit the DEST button, and hit the DELETE DEST button at the top of the display.... You won't have to listen to anyone but your passenger then!
press DEST button, at the top hit "Delete Destination", then "Yes" (from memory, I think that's the process)
I have not tried this yet, but I think it is as close to an off button as I'll get. I am assuming this will not actually delete my "Home" preset if I do it while navigating to home. I'll try it today. I bought a Honda Insight in 1999 (2000 model). I chose it because I thought the gen 1 Prius was too complicated. I still do (think it is too complicated), but my son's 127,000 mile gen 2 seems to be very reliable, complexity or no, so we took a chance.
Since noone has mentioned it, I'll add that you can also simply suspend the guidance, which is often useful when you change routes and the nav lady is being slow about changing to the different route (i.e., trying to send you back to the original route). It's a little hidden on the 2010, and I don't remember the exact sequence, but it involves hitting the onscreen route button, after which you have the option to suspend guidance.
I have the same question on Prius 2009. The manual does not say how to suspend guidance before you reach the destination; very frustrating. Would appreciate help
The sequence is this: 1) Press audio button on steering wheel. 2) Say, "Pause guidance" You can then resume when you want with this: 1) Press audio button on steering wheel. 2) Say, "Resume guidance" and it will recalculate from your current position to your destination. Voila!
What I've experienced with using the "suspend guidance" function is that guidance automatically resumes after a key cycle. Additionally, if I go to input another destination, it will add it to the "route" in progress instead of the new destination being the only destination. "Delete Destination" is the function I use.
Yes. That is very true. I only use suspend guidance when I want to take a quick detour, or temporarily have the lady stop bugging me, but I know I still want to get to the original destination. If I just want to stop all guidance and not go back to that same destination, then I just give the voice command, "Delete all destinations" and it zaps them all quickly.
You can tell it to replace the destination, instead of add to, right? Unless you mean you input one via voice?? If so, then I'm not sure.