I've had my 2010 Prius IV since 1 Aug and I love it. Just a few weeks ago I began to notice that the interior "buzzer" (standard chime sound) sounded once every time I openned the door, either from the outside when I enter the car, or from the inside after driving. The only icon on the dash are the "open door" symbol and the blinking security symbol indicating the engine disabling feature is active (the car is still off at this point). I initially thought that I somehow had not noticed this sound before; perhaps it has been doing this all along. But, now it has stopped sounding the buzzer when I open the door; the "open door" icon still appears, though. I figure I must be inadvertantly changing some user configurable feature, but so far I haven't found anything like that in the manual. Or, the buzzer is telling me something else that I've yet to decifer. Any ideas how to exorcize this ghost? Thanks! Bill
If it were me I would check that all 5 doors and the roof are fully closed by opening them and closing them again. Check the list starting on page 517 of the Owner's Manual, it lists all the stuff that buzzes or chimes. Try to see if it does it with just one key fob or both. If it returns you may need to take the car in, offhand I don't know of anything you could have changed to cause what you describe.
Make sure your solar roof is closed all the way. If it is cracked even a bit the chime sounds entering and exiting.
Thanks to all for the suggestions. I suspect I had my sunroof slightly open, thus causing the buzzer to sound when I opened the door. I tested this and it recteated the symptom. Funny that there's no icon that lights up other than the door ajar icon, which isn't very informative in this situation. Thanks again for getting rid of my ghost; I'm glad I didn't wash the car with the sunroof ajar. Bill