I just washed my new Prius for the first time and was shocked and sad afterwards to discover that the painted areas were covered in gossamer-thin scratches that become apparent when viewed at an angle in direct sunlight. The scratches look almost like spiderwebs in the sun, but the pattern definitely matches a "washing" hand motion. They don't seem to easily rub out. I rinsed the car thoroughly to begin with, used a clean, simple sponge with a cloth shell (not a Brillo pad ), car washing soap (not dish detergent or anything), and a micro-fiber towel. None of that seems unusual to me. I guess my questions are mainly what did I do wrong and how can I fix this? Are you supposed to be extra gentle with the first wash? Is the clear coat on this car unusually soft or something?
Which color? The Toyota paint is a bit on the soft / weak side if you ask me. I have a micro-fiber wash mitt that works really well to reduce swirls. If it matters a lot to you, you might have to have the scratches buffed out by a shop or try the process yourself with the right tools.
If the cotton towel around the sponge was not purchased from a reputable source, it could have in fact been something other than cotton which will lead to swirl-marks. Also, some 'inferior' micro fiber towels can also lead to swirl marks. Even while taking the most care, they are inevitable on a daily driver... I use a boars hair brush instead of sponges and the like and it helps. You can use a fine hand polish to help eliminate the appearance of the swirl marks now and fill them in with something like Zaino Z5 Pro. Boar's Hair Brush - Cleaning Tools - Car Washing - Car Care - Griot's Garage Micro Fiber Drying Towel - Drying - Car Care - Griot's Garage Griot's Garage Fine Hand Polish - Polishes - Polishing - Car Care - Griot's Garage Z-5 PRO Show Car Polish for Swirl Marks and Fine Scratches: Zaino Store
How many buckets did you use? It's best to use two, one being soapy and the other being clear rinse water, so that the dirt is rinsed out of your cloth. Otherwise, you're just concentrating the dirt and rubbing it all over your car. That's where the scratches come from.
It could be you didn't cause the swirls, but rather were caused by the dealer prep process. Those free details and car washes with service aren't really free. When I take delivery of a new car, I tell the dealer to not detail the car, and on service visits tell them not to wash the car (and I put a "do not wash car" sign on the dash). If you've ever seen the dirty rags and buckets of dirty water they wash the cars with at most dealers, you'll know why I do this. Regarding how to get rid of the swirls, unless they are very superficial, only using a machine (such as a PC orbital) will truly remove them. Anything you do by hand will only mask them, by filling in the imperfections with wax, etc.
EXACTLY what happened to me. After my first wash it has swirly scratches all over it. And I have been washing cars for YEARS! I too was SHOCKED and SAD!
Autogeek.net has everything you need to fix the problem and minimize it in future. The two bucket washing method is good and 'grit guard' bucket inserts are supposed to help too. Microfiber or real sheepskin mitts are good for keeping grit away from the surface as you wash. Also, wash in straight lines front to back, not swirling washing motions - the straight lines are less obvious to the eye. Don't overwash any given area. Let me guess, you have a darker colored car? My silver requires a VERY close look under just the right light to show the 'swirl marks' but they are there. Red or black cars reveal them readily so it's an ongoing curse! - D
I definitely recommend autogeek. I got my stuff there (optimum no rinse, and dp cleaner stuff for my tinted windows.) AWESOME stuff.
I don't see where anyone else suggested it, but avoid fabric softener when washing you towels. It leaves swirls. All the suggestions have been good, a couple wax jobs and careful attention and you'll be satisfied. I have another car that is black--the Prius is red, and the black one seems like it can get swirls just from driving in the wind!
My guess is its just as stream said, you unearthed what the dealer had done and covered up with a glaze with your wash. Proper wash technique is important though. For instance I wouldn't use a sponge, get a good microfiber or sheepskin wash mitt or pad. Only wash and dry in straight lines, never in circles, etc. ALL automotive paint swirls very easily, darker colors just show it better.
I use only 100% cotton towels. Never Micro fiber products. The cloth shell on the sponge? what was covering it? Micro fiber or Cotton? You now have the problem with webbing. Is the color of your car dark or light? I have black. it is a difficult color but I keep on top of this with hand washings only and Zaino Care Products.
Thanks everybody for the awesome information. The car is "ribbon" (dark) blue. Sounds like next time I need to use a microfiber-cloth sponge or mitt or boar-hair brush, and multiple buckets. As far as getting out the scratches, I'll definitely try the Zaino Z5 Pro and escalate if necessary. Thanks for the tip. This probably deserves a separate thread, but I am curious- what are your thoughts on touchless drive-thru car washes for preventing this sort of thing in the future? I live in an apartment complex and park in a garage, so I can only seriously wash and wax my car every month or two - it seems like touchless washes would be good for maintenance, but I want to make sure I wouldn't be doing more harm than good.
If you hate scratches on you car, do not take it to an automated car wash. You could try Bubbles or Shamies, they do hand washing, but costs a bit more than a usual car wash. But to me, if you're going Zaino, just do one good wax job with 2 to 3 coats of Zaino and it will be pretty shiny for at least a month or 2 until you get to do a wash.
There are many here who swear by Optimum No Rinse Wash & Shine: clay lubricant, optimum rinseless wash, no rinse car wash, optimum detailing products. I have not used it myself but it has gotten great reviews. I use Spray-On Car Wash Kit - Cleaners - Car Washing - Car Care - Griot's Garage mainly in the winter months from time to time and I love it.
I too have had great luck with the Griot's garage spray-on car wash. It cleans off normal road dirt well and gives a nice shine, great for between car washes. It is a little pricey however.
Griot's Garage has just come out with a new Paint Glaze, 16 Ounces - Polishes - Polishing - Car Care - Griot's Garage as well. It kind of goes against what they used to advertise years ago, how their products contain no oils or fillers etc but with all the new synthetic sealants out there they had to cave in I guess... A while back they released a sealant to compete with Zaino (and another sealant for daily drivers with a small amount of fine hand polish in it to clean as you sealed) but I just continue to stick with Zaino for surface sealants and use Griots for liquid cleaners like rubber/wheel/protectant/leather etc. Anyways, this new glaze could help hide your swirl marks as well but like any glaze, it just fills em' in and hides them until the glaze 'comes out' again... If you use Zaino Z-5 probably works just as well and maybe even lasts a bit longer...