I don't know if you can be sure about that either, there is always road rage and Prius haters out there. :fencing:
Don't hate. Over 50% of the threads here are a waste of space, with complaints and questions that are only meant to insight criticism of others or Prius or Toyota. At least this thread was made in jest, while others take a more serious route. But, I welcome your opinion... and don't forget to end your comment with an emoticon. :yield:
He is a Nigerian. Maybe he was upset because the large wire transfer for his lottery ticket didn't post in his bank account.
Considering it was Northwest, even without the bomber, the Prius is safer. Or at least you'll know what city you're in.
I think statistically the risk of a traffic accident is many times higher than the risk of being killed in a terrorist bombing, even accounting for the carrier being Northwest. However, if you fly Northwest through Minneapolis/St.Paul airport, you can visit the historic Larry Craig mens bathroom, and possibly even visit the very stall where he did his historic foot tapping, if you are so inclined. :madgrin:
I recall that statistically ,you are more likely to be killed by a terrorist than to marry after 40. (A google search shows that is urban legend. snopes.com: Woman's Chance of Marriage Over 40 )