I bought and brought home my new 2010 Prius III with Nav today. Then spent the rest of the day playing and driving. I put on about 60 miles and am seeing 54 mpg at parking it at 1AM. Very nice so far and I think I can get those numbers up after I get used to this new car. My wife has had a Honda Civic Hybrid so I am already familiar with how to drive a hybrid to get better mileage. With both of us driving hybrids now, I am going to look forward to not going to the gas station twice as much. Especially me coming from driving a 96 Ford Explorer, I won't miss dropping $35-$55 into the gas tank each week. I have to say this Prius Rocks and I am looking forward to taking a few days to get through the manual and learn everything. It rained here most of the day but that didn't keep me off the road. Lots to do! Got the bluetooth working with the IPhones, started learning how to use the NAV. Got my favorite XM stations locked in memory. I haven't even gotten under the hood yet except for a 6 minute peek yesterday at the dealership. Can't wait till the factory reps show up at one of the local dealers next week for the dog and pony show. As a tech/engineer guy, I am having a blast! :rockon:
TNX, The Toyota is new to me as I have been a Ford guy all my life. I am hoping it will live up to all I have heard. In the long run you are way ahead of me in fuel savings for several years with you having had one for a while. I was going through the over $4/Gallon prices with a car getting 14\20 mpg. My wife went green last year with the Honda Civic Hybrid and she really liked not going to the gas station much. It was time for me to go green and save green too.
I was driving my turbocharged GMC truck daily and it averaged about 13mpg per tank. Pretty understandable for the powerr level and how much I used to floor it. The following makes me smile every time I do it. I've driven 93,000 miles since I bought the Prius and sold the truck. 2001 GMC ext.cab Z71 4x4 = 13mpg avg. 2005 Toyota Prius = 47mpg avg. Had I kept the truck it would have went like this: 93,000 / 13mpg = 7154ga * $2.50/ga = $17,885 With the Prius: 93,000 / 47mpg = 1979ga * $2.50/ga = $4,947 Total Savings in Fuel: $12,938 ($17,885 - $4,947) Total est. CO2 output by Truck = 63.67 Tons Total est. CO2 output by Prius = 17.61 Tons Multiply gallons used by 0.0089 = tons of CO2 I need to find a way to do that with all the other nasty emissions that I am even more concerned about.
Congrats. The Tech side of it was what sold me on our new '10. I haven't even made it all the way through the manual yet, and I'm loving the sophistication of the car, not to mention the cool(to me) factor. And then there's the savings part, we traded in a 2005 Hemi Durango on it.
Very true!! My truck was $10 more per month and we won't talk about the maintenance on that thing. I would have already blown the motor and the torque converter went out a few months ago at 800rwhp (my friend owns and tunes it now). It's a $900 converter.
I wondering why I am not getting what all you are getting for MPG. I am showing about 42 city and 47 hwy. calulated is a bit less car is new 2010 and has about 3000 miles. I am in southern CA and there are hills but others out here seem to be getting much better... any ideas?
Welcome and congratulations on being a new Prius owner. I’ve had my Prius about three months and I am still amazed at the technology and fuel mileage this fine Toyota delivers. As you are finding out the Bluetooth, GPS and other features are fun to play with. Just wait till you set up the GPS to go to a destination and as you proceed it verbally warns you there is an accident in the “North or South bound lane 6 miles ahead” ( I assume you have XM radio)! How did we ever get along without this stuff :~)
Just Got my 2010 Prius about three weeks ago and just filled up last Friday and had went 434 miles and only put 9.5 gals in the tank. I just love my car and I never thought I would say that since I always drove Ford Pickups. Still love pickups, but the gas hogs killed me at the pump.
Pick up is a 2003, both have fully coverage for business, I was surprise at the cost We do have good driveing & insureance record, no tickets are claims in over 10 years A for business coverage there a fewer choices
My prius is only $30 more expensive than 2003 Honda Accord. But I have to switch insurance company (from esurance to GEICO) to get that. I shopped around and seems GEICO has cheapest rate for me.
Airbalancer, did you shop around ? My '04 Prius and '96 Subaru cost the same, about US $240/year/car for 250/500 liability.