In setting up my new Scangauge II in my 2008 Prius, the GAUGE string lists 3 abbreviations that are not listed or explained in the manual. They are: AVG TFC LP Does anyone here have a translation for these terms?
LP is in the manual, as CLSD LP / OPEN LP (Closed / Open Loop). It indicates whether or not the oxygen sensor is being used to control the air-fuel mixture. It must be 'open' when the ICE is not burning fuel, but can be open during certain other conditions as well. The others are probably Average mpg, and Total Fuel Consumed, but not sure. I thought Wayne Gerdes added them before shipping it to me, as they are not in my older unit in the other car. I was unaware they were included from the factory.
I had a simular problem when I got my ScanGauge. Mine had to do with fuel cutoff, which was not explained in the manual. They apparently do updates to the unit and the manuals sometimes take a while to catch up. I E-mailed Linear Logic and they were very helpful in explaining the latest features.