Has anyone tried the JDM dust box? http://www.sigmaauto.com/jdm/prius/prius0405.php The note claims that it can be adjusted to the US left-side drive, but I'm a bit skeptical and would like verification from someone who's actually tried it. TIA! P.S. This mod doesn't seem to exactly fit performance or appearance, but it fits performance less than appearance, so that's why it's here... As a sidebar, should this subforum be renamed to non-performance mods or maybe another forum added to cover things such as this thread?
OK, I'll bite. What is it? I looked at the picture, but can't quite figure it out. A tissue holder? Garbage bin with a really tiny opening? A box to keep your, uh, dust in? :Wth:
The site says it goes in the passenger side console so I guess it's a small box to hold things. But a small box to hold things for $49? I don't get it.
Wow, it's interesting how different people come up with completely different ideas when the see the same words and picture. I assumed that it's basically a trash can and the term "dust box" is a slight variation of dust bin. I don't think that black oval on the top is a small opening, but rather a button/latch that allows the the thing to open jaw-like (hinge at the bottom). I want a trash can for my car because sometimes you end up with junk in the car and I don't like it laying around. If this dust box is what I think it is, then I like it b/c the garbage is complete enclosed, making the garbage out-of-sight and out-of-mind.
[font=Comic Sans MS:1021fc7104]Depending on the nature and volume of your garbage, the drawer in the front bottom of the center console works well, and doesn't cost $50 extra. I have found no other use for it.[/font:1021fc7104]
Thanks, but it's not large enough, for say, an empty soda bottle. Plus I already keep my umbrella there. I suppose since I live in SoCal I really could do without the umbrella being within arm's reach, but I like to think of the umbrella as a rain ward. When I keep it close, it rarely rains. As soon as I don't bring one or I store it somewhere where I'll have to get wet to get it, it's bound to pour. For those who still think a dust box is for keeping dust off of things... http://www.autogiga.com/others.htm Maybe y'all are right, but it looks like people are only using them to keep dust off of garbage...