If one of your saved contacts calls you, does the text of the contact's name appear on the radio display?
I believe only the phone number shows up and the car has to be stationary (otherwise it'll only show INCOMING CALL)
Shouldn't the phone number show up even if the caller isn't in your address book? Is there any text display of your contacts at all?
Yup. I know when home calls, I don't get "HOME calling", I get "[my phone number] is calling" Why, I don't know. You'd think it'll show you your contacts because I don't have everyone's number memorised.
I have heard that sometimes the caller-id matching to your contacts doesn't work unless you have the phone number entered in your contacts character for character EXACTLY the way it appears from caller-id (example: it must match having the 1 and area code in your contacts if the caller-id sends that info and must not have that in your contacts entry if caller-id omits it) Not sure if dashes, spaces and ( ) that don't match the caller-id formatting messes it up also. Has anyone tested this or is it 100% confirmed that the system has zero capability to display the contact name on incoming calls?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...... I could try it but tomorrow's the last day before I fly home for the holidays....
It depends as well on whether your phone supported transferring the contacts to the non-NAV Bluetooth. Mine does not (Motorola) so all I see is the number since there is no method to enter an alpha character name in your stored phonebook in the car. If your phone did support the transfer of contacts, I'd be interested in your results.
Has anyone here successully transferred contacts and tried it after verifing that the phone number entered in the address book is an exact match to the format the caller-id sends as the number?
AFAIK, the phone book transfer is a feature of the NAV system BT. The non-NAV systems won't transfer the phonebook. You can store 20 numbers on the car itself, though.
Is there any place that confirms this or shows the non-NAV bluetooth in use as well as all the features of it? The Toyota website demo for the Prius only demos bluetooth on a car with navigation. The Camry non-nav JBL suports phonebook transfer, but it only supports transfer on a limited number of phones, so I would be surprised if the Prius doesn't support it at all.
It's in the manual, and I have also seen the Camry video, so I agree it should work if you have the right phone. However, I've also seen the info about the 20 entry limit. If the phone transfer works (mine does not support), it would be good to hear from someone. Here's the manual: Transferring data from the cellular phone STEP2-1 Select "By Phone" and then "Confirm" by using a voice command or tune dial. STEP2-2 Transfer the data from the cellular phone. Refer to the manual that comes with the cellular phone for the details of transferring data. STEP2-3 Select the data to be registered by either of the fol-lowing methods: a. Say "Previous" or "Next" until the desired data is displayed, and select "Confirm" by using a voice command or tune dial . b. Select the desired data by using tune dial
So, if you do manage to manually transfer 20 contacts from your phone, will the radio display then display the text of the name if you receive an incoming call from one of those 20 phone numbers? If you transfer those 20 contacts, can you then dial those contacts by name without needing to manually record a voice tag for each one?
I have Sol version, which is most close to Prius Model III in US, e.g. non-NAV with BT, stock radio/CD no JBL. I transfered few most dialed contacts from mobile via BT one by one. You need to manually voice tag transfered contacts, there is no text-to-speech functionality inside BT. The Caller's text tag is not displayed on the display, just a number.
Confirmed on nav models (so I assume it'll be the same with the standard radio interface). It needs to be exact including the "+" and the "1" if applicable. (i.e. just have someone call you and see how their number is displayed, that's the way you should enter it in the phonebook.