My dealer called this morning. He gave me the VIN of my new car!! He wont have it till the 21st, but hey I know my car is actually on its way! It is a #9 seaside I was dancing all around work today!
Let me be the first to congratulate you. You are going to love it! (By the way, keep dancing, it's good exercise. Not to mention using those smile facial muscles...)
Lucky you. I'm in Maryland as well. Ordered in Virginia on Nov. 5, 2003. Where did you order from and when. Seaside #9 is one of my top two choices. Congrats!
Hey, if you dont mind driving a few hours, I will gladly give you the long as you tell them I refered you. They have a nice referal appreciation program. I will openly post all the stats of the dealership next week, after I have filled out all the paperwork and I know no one will try and outbid me for my car!
I share in your joy as I got my call this week also. I had ordered a Tideland Pearl #7 on March 19th, and accepted a Black #7 on April 7th. At the time I was #3 on the list, but since it is the height of pollen season here in the SE, I assume the first two people on the list took a pass because of the color black. The way I see it, the pollen will be gone by May, but I'll still have my Prius.
Actually, it wasn't a call that I got at first, but an email. I was checking my email this afternoon before I left my office and there was this email from a Dianne with the subject "Its still April". "Do I know a Dianne?" I thought. Hmmmm, could be a virus or spam. Still, .... something in the recesses of my subconscious told me not to delete this message. So, I cautiously clicked on the icon and opened the message. ... The words came to me in slow motion: "Tideland" "9" "next week " "Are you interested ?" Not my first choice, but I've been waiting since what? August, July, 1977? How long have I been waiting for this car? (see previous posts) "call me soon" is how the message ended. So, with out laboring much more on the point. It appears that I am to be the proud parent of a baby Tideland #9 in about a week.( I think its been real close to 9 months waiting). So, Dianne, I'm buying cigars to celebrate the birth of this baby. What do you like? -Jody Rawles, M.D. Long Beach, CA P.S. Anyone out there have some nice pictures of their tideland? I'm still not clear on the true color of this car.