As I've said in previous posts, I am 6'5" and 240 lbs. The Prius is so comfortable. I have plenty of room. I love the ride and love the technology.
Congratulations!! Did you buy an extended warranty? Never thought of it until today when my trade (2007 honda civic ) with 99500 engine light came on and it needs a cadilytic converter - the warranty is 8 years or 80000 miles!
I agree. About 2 days before I finished the first mod on my 2009 seat, the first day the 2010 appeared in the Bay Area, went down, checked it out and test drove it. I was blown away how much they improved the seat, seat adjustments, and seat travel backward. And telescopic steering wheel makes it all work. It's really nice to sit 'in' a 2010 Prius rather than feeling like being somewhat in a height chair in a 09.
Congrats on your new Prius! Even at 6' 2", I feel a little claustrophobic in quite a few cars. The new Prius is not one of them.
You should have bought a Toyota. The SENSOR on the cadilytic converter would still be working. My 2000 4Runner with 305,000 miles has the orginal cadilytic converter.
Congrats. You think the Prius is comfy because you probably don't drive it 1000 miles per week in the hwy like I do. Seat support in the Prius is pathetic. I have tried different things my doctor suggest to stop my back pain but anything is a temporary relief when you drive that much in such poorly designed seat. Of course, factory lumbar support would likely take care of it, but the trim with lumbar support costs a lot more... not in this life I would spend that much in a Prius.
I have to admit, I have a 2010 - V and think the seat comfort is "Exceptional". Compared to my 2007 Honda Civic this is a major improvement. Not sure if it's related the lumbar or not, but I don't have a backache after an hours drive.... My early Gen I Prius was not at all this comfortable... If Back comfort was as important maybe you should see about swapping out the seat with something else?? Saw some posts about that, but then the cost??? Good Luck!
Do you really doubt it? Come on... My doctor has seen cases where changing the seat was actually the only solution... I'm hoping NOT having to go there... BTW, I have owned not 1 but 3 civics and while I have never been engaged in such long drives in any of them like I'm now with my Prius, their seats were perfect compared to the ones in the Prius.
So, I'm still waiting an explanation for this kind of language... The right of criticizing something has nothing to do with inappropriate language...
IndyKing, Sorry to hear your having a time with your seats. I don't know what it was about the CIVIC but the seats were always hard on my back. A 3 hours drive and I almost needed a hoist to get out of the car. Not sure if the Leather seats I have are so much firmer, (That's what is my assumption at this point), and with the added Lumbar support makes it so much better....Not sure. I think the softness in the Civic is what actually caused me the backaches....I have yet to have it in the Prius. It would be interesting if you were to try out a IV or V with the leather seating, and see if you get any better relief and experienced what I have to date. My Mom, (84 y/o) first comment when she rode in it when I got it, was, OMG, these seats are so much better than the last car...So I tend to believe it is the firmness and support of the factory leather seats...Just a guess at this point... Best of luck finding a good solution to your comfort..wish I could come up with one....wonder if those low back surround cushions or something would help you? Like at a Medical supply company??
This will solve you back issue, I have one in my Prius and other cars and would not drive without one. Mabis Memory Foam Contoured Lumbar Support Cushion in Grey: Compare Prices, View Price History and Read Reviews at NexTag