I got this type of mfd in my 06: Accessing the Toyota Prius NHW20R's MFD diagnostic menus I found that there is an another type: All two are without nav. The second one is the digital version or it just had upgraded firmware? Thanks
For 2006 and up, there are 2 types of MFDs. In North America, if the car is NOT equipped with a backup camera, then it has the older 2004-2005 MFD which is the lower resolution screen. If it does have a backup camera, then it has the higher resolution screen as shown in the video you posted above.
Thank you. Is MFD upgradeable alone, or it's causing difficulties (like anti teft code, or integration with computer, or it's containing the computer?) It's just a display or has some controll logic?
That I'm not sure. You'll have to ask the more technical members here if the MFDs are interchangeable.