Here are a couple of pictures of taken from my back door and front door -- Rockville, MD -- 22 inches. *EDIT* I was told my pictures aren't coming through. Please let me know if you CAN see these ones. I can see them fine! Some of the snow had already blown off the railing since last night, so it doesn't look as high as it was. The thing in the middle of the table is not a tree -- it's an umbrella wrapped in plastic. Where's my Prius??
More pix from Merlin: Amapola is not pleased: (I think the new rear-end shape is quite the thing.) Now she's happy:
Thanks for letting me know -- but I don't understand why they aren't showing. I can see them fine. I inserted the URL for the Kodak Easyshare gallery. I'll try this way instead:
This is the most snow we ever get in Rocklin/Auburn since we are at the base of the Sierra foothills.
I removed 14 inches of snow yesterday, and another 4 inches today, from my brand-new Barcelona Red Gen III. I used only my gloved hand, so I hope that I won't notice any scratching next week. Still waiting for the snowplow to come through our street a single time. I'm pretty hacked off. I live in a small suburban town that charges higher property taxes for "extra services." Yeah, right... I would show you some pics from my street, but I can't figure out how to make it work. How do you show thumbnails of attached pictures? Do they have to be in an album or something?
Dave, There is probably a better way, but here's what I do: * When you are in the "Reply" window, click on the "Paperclip" icon at the top. * Then, if you haven't uploaded the pix to a sharing site, select one or more picture(s) from your computer. * Then you have to use the Upload button. * When you get an upload confirmation, close that window. * Now, back at the Reply window, click on the little triangle next to the paperclip icon. * You will see the pix you uploaded. Click on the one(s) you want in your post. Voila! :cheer2:
Okay, here goes. (I'm still waiting for the town to plow my street. Very annoying.) Thanks for the tip, Rokeby. It seems to have worked!
Here's my Prius at sunset today in Manhattan, New York City. We only got 10 inches of snow -- we're like the netbook of this storm. And by sunset, a lot of the stuff had already melted, especially on my driver's side which was facing directly south. [IMGLINK][/IMGLINK] [IMGLINK][/IMGLINK] [IMGLINK][/IMGLINK] [IMGLINK][/IMGLINK]
Sunday's white snow has turned into black street slush -- here's what it looked like splattered on a Gen III Prius New York City taxi earlier today: [IMGLINK][/IMGLINK]
Beautiful GenIII Taxi! Even with that muck. That just goes to show you why we need cleaner cars on the road!