is the firmware or software updateable on the Prius MFD? I have a 2005 Prius. Also, I want to get a video in so I can install a backup camera and have it show up on my MFD. I have the basic 4 button MFD (no sat or nav). Are there any simple solutions to add a video input as opposed to the Lockpick kits?
I don't know about firmware update. But for video in: 05 and older priuses accepts analog RGB signals while younger priuses uses digital GVIF. Macprius integration site has some info about rgb in, but i don't know how you will switch to camera view if u don't have the extra buttons. Mac Prius
what do i need to connect an RGB video signal? are there just input jacks or do I need additional hardware? I'd assume I could add an external switch similar to the "anytime reverse camera" hack, no?
There are updates from time to time on various ECUs. The Nav system, which you don't have, gets updates on DVD. The other ECUs, when they can be updated, are updated by the dealer. Tom
Great info - do you know if there is a site that describes current revision levels and improvements attached for the various ECUs?
what would happen if you took an MFD from a newer 06-09 prius* and swapped it out into an older prius like an '05? Would it word just the same, are the connection ports the same plugs? Would this even work? I only ask because when I installed a bluetooth device recently the connections for the MFD were few and simple. Would this alos make it possible to add a nav equipped MFD? *assuming you got one from a junk yard where you can salvage car parts
Re: MFD Add-Ons Hi everyone, just to add my two cents.... (Insert disclaimer here) ... IMHO... I too have the basic 4 button MFD (no sat or nav), and would like to add "features" to my display (Backup Video, Bluetooth and Nav). It seems that after much research, both here and elsewhere, I have come to these conclusions: 1) No matter what you do, it's not going to be cheap. 2) There are 2 commercial options, Coastaletech and Can-View both of which are only going to get some of the features (at least the ones I want) and it's not going to be cheap. (there seems to be a theme here) - to do this you may need to find an RGB camera (Can-View) *not common AFAIK. Coastaletech's solution is easier but there are many discussions of other issues there, I have no first hand expieriences with them. 3) The easiest way to get the features above and possibly others is to do the display on the mirror unit and not integrate into the MFD - again, $300+ 4) Get a system (as mentioned in previous posts) out of a "donor" vehicle. I would say that after examining the schematics (2004-5) it looks very likely that you can add the missing parts (updating the display) and can get the "Factory" system going in your non-nav Prius. I found a few detailed accounts of this being done and they claim success. Again the drawback is $$$. ($1500+?) As far as newer equipment into an older Prius, according to the schematics, it very likely CAN be done, BUT I can not find anyone who's done it ... it would be necessary to re-wire a few connectors and add things that were basically never meant to be there (steering wheel buttons for example) - Definitely not for the faint of heart. there would be at the least several hurdles to overcome. 5) Do it yourself. This sounds like a formidable challenge, but may not necessarily be one. As an electronics and instrumentation technologist, I have some limited expertise in this direction. To me, it looks like Coastal uses a few chips, an AVC-Lan interface and what looks like a ?PIC? to talk to the MFD and tell it the the nav unit exists and to enable that function in the MFD. The unit would also have to provide a composite video to RBGS converter to allow a standard video signal to be displayed on the MFD. Remember, the MFD was not meant to display live video (I'm talking about the 2004-5 version) so the resolution is a bit low, but probably useable. This type of interface should not be too hard to make, (Black and White video would be much easier) and I would be happy to share any info I can learn with those who would be intrested in such a project. The first hurdle is that I would need access to an in-expensive (<$50 ?) MFD (even a broken one might do, depending on the type of damage) to be able to develop software to allow access to the MFD through the AVC-Lan. (Donations/deals/Information anyone?). Once I get the unit to enable the external video we move on to interfacing the video, then integration of whatever else we might want to add, many possibilities come to mind. I am not personally intrested in, nor do I recommend having any other video sources other than a GPS displayed on the screen while moving (and it is illegal in many places) but there are certainly options available here. There are other threads here dealing with this (perhaps this is the wroung thread) but I have not found any recent activity on these projects and would be intrested in persuing this avenue - I hope not to find out that it is in vain and becomes related to the other options in price. Comments and suggestions are welcome!
Hello! All done already. AVC-LAN controller based on arduino: if you interested and can not understand Russian I can help you.