Has anyone self installed speaker wire?? I was considering running new wire...until I saw the molex! :mmph: But I'm wondering if anyone here has done it themselves and if so...any pics, pdfs, or installation details?? I am going to install a rear amp and I suppose I could just run the wire back up to the front and splice into the factory harness, eh?? All help appreciated - thanks!
It was rather easy to run the aftermarket speaker wire through the door. That is usually the most dreaded part for me but generally speaking a wire coat hanger with the speaker wire taped to it works like a charm. Sorry I don't have any install instructions for that though. It is rather intuitive though. Just think McGyver style. lol
Thanks man. So..you just avoided the molex plug? Or cut into it like some recommend? Or...??? And I'm assuming you just left the factory stuff there then and ran wire around it, is that right?
I'm pretty sure I cut the grommet and ran the speaker wire outside of the main harness going through the door. I didn't want to risk messing that up. I'll check for you when I go out to my car later.
There are several ways to tackle this besides splicing into the factory harness at the front. I've spent a lot of time thinking this through myself! a) Look at the molex, there are several holes that don't have pins in them. Some people will just drill clear through that spot, big enough to thread the new speaker wire through. Personally I think it's a little scary. b) Molex pins can also be pulled out with a removal tool. You could then put pins on your new speaker wire and plug it in, so that you only use the little bit of OEM wire inside the door. c) Or even easier, you could cut and splice just before the Molex plug, again minimizing the length of OEM wire used. I plan to try b) and maybe fall back to c) if it gets too frustrating! Good luck, glad you're going first. ;-) - D